Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Story von Holzhausen's 6 week challenge testing

Many of you had your measurements and arm fat fold tested Friday. Wed we are doing the COUNTS of walking lunges and pushups. We will have to do all of this testing before anyone grabs tools. The best possible thing is to have some people come in early and start so we do not have a crowd messing up their count by being stuck in "traffic".

How to take a walking lunge count:
1) take a moderate step forward putting weight on front leg.
2) bend front leg (keeping weight on it as much as possible) until your back knee touches the floor.
3) Continue with walking lunges at a steady pace without any slowing or stopping or resting !!!! YOU MUST DO IT NON STOP to find out how many you can do without stopping. I do not care what the number is. It is simple where you are starting from. I DO care that you count honestly and accurately.

You can do this count outside of class if you are very sure that you understand the directions. It would be great if at least half of you could do this.

How to take a push up measurement:
1) decide if you will do from feet or knees
2) Place your feet and knees together with your thumbs/hands just below your shoulders and a little outside of your shoulders.
3) keeping your feet ON THE GROUND and your body in PLANK position (meaning your hips and chest and legs all touch and leave the ground at the same time), push up and lower down in a slow controlled manner and count push ups you can do. Each one must be to the floor and back up without any sagging of the body or any part touching or leaving the ground on it's own. You can not stop, you cannot rest. You want a true count of how many you are able to do so you can see if you are getting stronger.

I will be arriving early to take measurements and caliber readings. Bring me your food diaries and some ideas about your "goal". Basically all of us are shooting for getting to a place where what we eat is well chosen and the healthiest we can make it. This may be different for each of you as we are all different. I want everyone to move away from calorie counting and "dieting". I want you to focus on WHAT you eat and why. The goal is to make a change that is doable for the long run.
In the 6 weeks of the challenge, we are making big changes. If you are a fried food fanatic or a sugar fiend (like me), these 6 weeks are moving completely away from those foods. We are simply only feeding our bodies the good stuff. Below in this blog you will find the list of foods you SHOULD be eating in a day. We rarely get all of the nutrients we need because we are eating what we like and counting calories. That is going to completely change. We are going to eat foods we like but we are ONLY going to eat foods that we would want to feed our children or someone we loved. (for this challenge that person that you love is YOU).
Anything that is not on the list of super healthy foods is to be eaten in small doses if at all. (have a very small portion or a healthy version of your craving food). We are trying to break our bodies of habits so the less you indulge bad habits the better.
I am going to list (in case you have a hard time finding the earlier one) the basics of what we want to eat:

1) non or low fat dairy (2-3 servings a day). (Non fat yogurt one of 3 foods proven to extend life.)
2) a variety of fruits and veggies (low starch choices, so bananas and grapes not the best choice or beets and corn either) The more colors the better and the less cooked the better too. (6 or more servings a day) (Berries like blueberries are another food proven to extend life)
3) lean proteins. Fish is my first choice. Salmon is the best as it yields the highest levels of Omega-3s with very little to no mercury. Skinless organic chicken or turkey and eggs are good too. I want NO processed meat or chicken at all. I would like you to up your daily servings of fish and chicken (or tofu or eggs) to 3 servings a day.
4) nuts or seeds in small portions but daily (like a tablespoon a day) (This is 3rd food proven to extend your life)
5) Olive oil can be used and lemon but no added salt for the first week.
6) a ton of water. Please do not drink sweetened drinks and no artificial sweeteners.

Feel free to use all the spices and fresh herb you like. Try new ones and experiment with all the wonderful possibilities.......

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