Friday, January 29, 2010

Story von Holzhausen's 6 week challenge countdown

Great week ! So many of you have such drastic changes this last month it is sad to me that we did not get your measurements and body fat readings the FIRST day you walked in !!! (maybe that should be protocol for my classes !). As we get ready to start our 6 week challenge, I need food diaries sent to me so I can review and make suggestions. We will all start with the 3 day of palette cleansing. This will be little to no salt, sugar or processed foods. It is important to do this so that you actually enjoy food in it's more natural state.
This year, I want all of us to be shooting for a lifestyle that is sustainable for the long run. This is a very personal thing and I need to meet or talk to you one on one to figure out what your goals and changes will be. Please read over the blog from the start to gain an understanding of what it entails. I will be taking measurements and caliper readings and taking before photos after and before class on wed. We will be doing a count of push ups and walking lunges on wed. If you miss class, you must do it on your own. Walking lunges are ONE pace and non stop with your front leg bending until your back knee touches. Most of your weight should be in your FRONT leg as though you are doing a one legged squat. As soon as you stop or slow down, your count is over.
Push ups can be done from knee or feet position. The important thing (very important thing) is that the body is kept straight like a plank. When your chest touches, your belly and legs should touch at that SAME moment. When you push up, your chest and shoulders should not go before the rest of you (this makes SUCH a difference !!!!). Write all your numbers down. Email or call me to figure out goals. Email or BRING ME your food diaries and "splurges" you struggle with. We want to allow for these but make them as healthy as we can. We want to especially take all the emotion out of our food choices. When you do Liquid Strength, you metabolism increases SO much that you do not have to ever diet again. You just have to eat wisely and not blow it by emotionally eating.
Our "kick off party" will be on the 11th of Feb. Please bring yourselves, your sense of humor and a recipe that is healthy and yummy so we can help each other see how delicious healthy food can be !!!!! I am so looking forward to this !!!! On the message board, I would like everyone is "in" to write their official entry (example: "Story is in and her goal is to be most connected to her body that she has been EVER !!!"). The official roster will get all of my attention and my time (this is a huge thing so please truly commit). I am looking forward to this and to all of YOU and your amazing successes.

Story von Holzhausen

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