Friday, January 29, 2010

Story von Holzhausen's 6 week challenge countdown

Great week ! So many of you have such drastic changes this last month it is sad to me that we did not get your measurements and body fat readings the FIRST day you walked in !!! (maybe that should be protocol for my classes !). As we get ready to start our 6 week challenge, I need food diaries sent to me so I can review and make suggestions. We will all start with the 3 day of palette cleansing. This will be little to no salt, sugar or processed foods. It is important to do this so that you actually enjoy food in it's more natural state.
This year, I want all of us to be shooting for a lifestyle that is sustainable for the long run. This is a very personal thing and I need to meet or talk to you one on one to figure out what your goals and changes will be. Please read over the blog from the start to gain an understanding of what it entails. I will be taking measurements and caliper readings and taking before photos after and before class on wed. We will be doing a count of push ups and walking lunges on wed. If you miss class, you must do it on your own. Walking lunges are ONE pace and non stop with your front leg bending until your back knee touches. Most of your weight should be in your FRONT leg as though you are doing a one legged squat. As soon as you stop or slow down, your count is over.
Push ups can be done from knee or feet position. The important thing (very important thing) is that the body is kept straight like a plank. When your chest touches, your belly and legs should touch at that SAME moment. When you push up, your chest and shoulders should not go before the rest of you (this makes SUCH a difference !!!!). Write all your numbers down. Email or call me to figure out goals. Email or BRING ME your food diaries and "splurges" you struggle with. We want to allow for these but make them as healthy as we can. We want to especially take all the emotion out of our food choices. When you do Liquid Strength, you metabolism increases SO much that you do not have to ever diet again. You just have to eat wisely and not blow it by emotionally eating.
Our "kick off party" will be on the 11th of Feb. Please bring yourselves, your sense of humor and a recipe that is healthy and yummy so we can help each other see how delicious healthy food can be !!!!! I am so looking forward to this !!!! On the message board, I would like everyone is "in" to write their official entry (example: "Story is in and her goal is to be most connected to her body that she has been EVER !!!"). The official roster will get all of my attention and my time (this is a huge thing so please truly commit). I am looking forward to this and to all of YOU and your amazing successes.

Story von Holzhausen

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I edited Blog to include just the most salient points

I went through and deleted any posts that were not really important to getting you to a "better place". Take the time to read through the posts as it will not take long. There are some subjects that I found myself connecting with that I had forgotten about (and I wrote them all !). Some evenings, I am going to go back and read them again and center myself within my daily stress. We all work so hard at our jobs, taking care of pets/kids/family/friends. The most important "project" is our formation of our "selves" and yet very few people really work on that. It takes bravery to face our faults and our mistakes and to work to love the things we don't like very much about ourselves. All the external change in the world will not bring us happiness. Every day we read about celebrities who "have everything"and engage in self destructive behavior. If a person does not see themselves as "beautiful" and "worthy", all the praise and attention in the world will only make them unhappier. We all have to work hard to love and like ourselves. That is no easy feat. The possibilities for good that we can bring to the world are ENDLESS if we can but begin this process.
This challenge, more than anything, is about that. I want you to take a good look at yourselves and decide that you are going to accept yourselves as you are and work on the things you can change. Nothing about your lives can change without that "love of self". Anyone who you know that is selfish, bitter and egocentric is hiding a terrible secret. They don't really believe they are worth it. Insecurity and "ego" are soulmates.
The hardest and scariest work we will ever do is this: Strip away our affectations and masks and honestly face what your opinion of yourself is.
The journey begins with this.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Official start date for Story von Holzhausen's Liquid Strength 6 week challenge

Our official start date is Feb 15th. The day after Valentine's Day. This coming week we will be doing our pushups and walking lunges. We will be counting our maximum so please be fresh for class (don't come sore from something else). Please review the information on this blog regarding the 6 week challenge. Kathleen posted an easy link on the comment side of this blog.

You need to have your notebook ready. I will be going over them and will only "enroll" those who have all of the following:
1) a clear cut and deeply thought out "goal". (this is not "lose 5 lbs)
some sample goals are: 1) To feel that I am setting the boundaries in my life (work, food etc)
2) instead of eating at night to take time to nurture me.
3) To feel like an athlete
4) to feel sexy again after......(a baby, breakup, move....)
5) To stop feeling puffy and swollen from poor dietary choices.
6) to STOP the diet cycle and start to feed my body well
7) Begin to be a priority in my own life.
2) a couple days of writing down everything you eat and journaling at some point during the day about what is going on and how you are feeling.
3) max number of push ups and walking lunges
4) starting measurements and body fat reading. (your weight does not matter to me)

We will be taking measurements over the next few weeks and photos too (not obligatory). I would love to see your food journals to give you some feedback that is specific to YOU and your challenge so that when we start, you have a good idea of what to change and some easy ways to get there.
I am reachable by email, text or phone. I would also like to have some fun meet ups where we support each other and laugh at some of our stumbling blocks. Many of you would benefit from finding a buddy or two to call at night and check in with. We can all use friends who are "on our side" and understand what we are going through. (I can be that person if you are not comfortable with pairing up)
We are going to be meeting for the next two weeks 20 to 30 minutes before class to get everyone ready. If coming early is not realistic for you, just reach out to me privately. This year we are doing two things that are going to be FUN !!!!
First of all, we are having a "Kick off Party" to get to know each other and a "wrap up Party' to celebrate our success. Anyone who has been to my 'client/student" parties knows how much fun it is to make fun of me (deserved) and commiserate about Liquid Strength. Every year it amazes me how well people get along as Liquid Strength really calls to like minded people.We all have a say in how you would all like these parties to be. We can meet out or I can host at my UWS apartment. I LIVE for these as they are just so much fun.
Feedback and questions ALWAYS welcome. Usually if you have a question, you are not the only one wondering about it so if you can, post them here or on the message board. We have a little while left before our start date but we need to get crackin !!!