Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year

This is typically a time that people make "resolutions". Usually it is whatever obsession they tell themselves every day that they "should" be doing. There is no secret power that comes on Jan 1st to help you make "this time" any different. Everyone knows what they "should" be doing or "not doing" to be healthy, more positive and productive people. The challenge seems to be the action needed to turn our "hopes" for our lives into our actual "lives".
Human brains seem to operate and run in deeply etched grooves. These grooves are formed from years of repetitive behavior. Sometimes the first "scratch" of a deeply formed groove can come from a childhood experience or just from some self formed belief. These grooves are so deeply formed that they become WHO we are if we do not take care and pay attention to them.
There are "addictions" of all kinds. Two nights ago there was a program on about two women struggling with strange addictions. One was addicted to eating toilet paper and the other to sleeping with her blow dryer on. It is hard not to laugh at such strange addictions. The reality is that anyone not struggling with a specific addictive behavior cannot understand "what the big deal is". Perhaps that is the secret behind it all. The build up and focus on "not doing" something places that thought foremost in our lives. If I say "don't think about a pink elephant", you do.
I would like everyone to turn the usual "resolutions" over and laugh them off. Begin just not giving the power to your own struggles. Let it be easy. Let go of the obsessive worry and energy you give your own angst.
This year, find your joy. Let your life be easy. Think about all the things you want to do, eat, say, learn and experience. Practice the art of imagination, hope and belief. It won't happen in a day but it will happen if you commit to making this change. If your current way is "not working for you", take a good look at those grooves you are etching deeper and deeper and do the work to change them.
We do not get to choose our genetics or our families. We don't get to choose our childhoods or what we look like. We do get to choose who we are and who we will become. We get to choose how we let experiences and challenges change us. Terrible circumstances can make truly amazing human beings. They can also create horrible ones.
Most people work pretty hard at "looking good", having a clean house, a nice car or a successful career. How many people work as hard at being the best person they can be? Can you just imagine how much joy there would be in this world (or in our own lives) if we all began to do just that?

I have asked a very special life coach to guest blog here and she (Erika) will be giving some very good advice about how to begin taking the first steps on that road:

Big thanks to Story for this opportunity to spend time with you! She and I always have meaningful, deep-minded chats when we’re together, so I’m thrilled to share some time with you here as well.

Here’s my first suggestion to you for 2011: Table your sweeping plans for change. Just drop them for a while. Don’t worry; you’ll be able to pick them up after considering a few points.

Step 1-Ask yourself why you’re planning the changes you’ve highlighted for the coming year. If your plan is to lose 15 pounds by June, stop for a moment and consider the source of your motivation. Is it something you think you “should” do? Any desire hinged upon words like “should,” “need to,” or “have to,” is not a sign of internal desire; it’s a sign of obligation to some norm outside of you. If your goal is weight loss, give it a positive spin in your inner and outer monologue. In other words, instead of saying “I should lose 15 pounds,” say “I want to lose 15 pounds.” The earlier version sounds a bit victim-like, doesn’t it? Sort of weighty (no pun intended) in its tone, isn’t it? Yeah, I’m not feeling it either.

However, in saying “I want to lose 15 pounds,” you’ve carefully chosen words that by their very nature feel more energized and motivating. And energized and motivated are indeed two real feelings that can certainly help you in nearly every facet of your life.

Step 2-Become a scientist in your own life. By stepping away from judging yourself, and instead simply sliding into the role of observer—a lab-coated witness to everything you say, what you think and how you act at different times—with absolutely no judgment whatsoever—can be a very revealing exercise. If, for example, I’m the type of person that sets huge goals repeatedly only to rapidly fall back into old patterns, I might ask myself why? What’s my payoff in continuing to overeat? What am I telling myself about this tendency? Which leads me to the next step.

Step 3-Gently and regularly remind yourself that your thoughts are not who you are. They are simply what they appear to be—thoughts. Start looking at where your thoughts about yourself are unkind, lacking compassion and wounding. Remember, thoughts and facts are two different things. Facts are verifiable; thoughts are beliefs built on a lifetime of repeatedly thinking them. For real clarity, start noticing and then questioning your thoughts.

So if we go to the goal of losing 15 pounds, where in your internal dialogue are you already giving up with condemnations like, “Yeah, I tried this last year. I couldn’t do it. I’m a failure and I lack discipline.” Where are the facts in that thought? More importantly, where are the beliefs?

Our source for deep, lasting improvement is inside, not outside. Our mission is to get clear on what we desire and why. If the motivation is a thinly shrouded effort to please anyone but us, success will be elusive.

Now, get your resolution list back out and spend a little time writing about your “whys.” The items on the list that are true to your essential self will feel more like a pull than a push. The plans that you feel pulled by are authentically you. Stick with those and you’ll chart a whole new kind of success.

Wishing you authentic success for the coming year!

Erika Isler is a Martha Beck-trained life coach who works with smart, motivated people ready to reconnect to what they really want. For more information on her and her work, or email her at

Happy New Year !!!
Story von Holzhausen

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


This is the time of year that we believe in miracles. The shimmering memories of childhood are still palpable. Anything could happen.
The promise of magic is still there just waiting for us to believe. The connection between our minds and our bodies is still a mystery. Many people believe there is a very powerful and literal connection. Many body builders subscribe to the belief that by sheer focus, they are able to alter parts of their body. In fact, entire religions are based on the ability to "heal" through faith.
When I created Liquid Strength, it was during a time of great stress and personal difficulty. I was not feeling good on many levels. My body image was horrible and I found that the lack of joy in life and about "me" went hand in hand.
I will always be grateful for the parts of my life that nearly killed me. Every childhood agony helped teach me that joy and love were only in my life if I brought them. No amount of abuse could "make" me lose my hope or my desire to do and be "good". There was and is a tremendous power in that.
As adults, we bring that abuse to ourselves. We stand in the mirror and unleash a litany of "mean" on ourselves.
I have trained and taught thousands of people. Some rich, famous and beautiful and some very normal. The most amazing thing is that no matter what the rest of the world sees, every one of these people only get to experience (enjoy or suffer for) what THEY see.
I work with bodies. I know them. How they move. How the proportions tend to be similar in some types and how each "kind" reacts to certain things. Much of what I have come to learn and believe is not yet explained (or even mentioned) by scientists. We may never understand The amazing bodies we live in completely. Especially the effect that "We" as mental/spiritual beings have on the physical manifestation of ourselves.
I completely believe that when a person (this person can be me too) "sees" , feels and believes themselves to be / look strong and great, they do. It sounds like science fiction but it's not. I have seen it hundreds of times. When formerly heavy people start to lose weight and get excited and happy about themselves, that is when the huge changes happen.
The hard part comes when there are not huge changes to make. Most of my student/clients look great. The changes they are after are subtle and small. In some cases, literally ALL of their misery is in their head. Sometimes I wish I could put them behind glass and pull strangers off the street to give their critiques and force them to listen.....
All of us our born with a body. Hopefully it is a fully functioning healthy one. For that alone we have to be profoundly grateful. The few times I have been injured and unable to train, I have realized that there is a huge difference between not being ABLE to train and just not feeling like it.
Some of us have long legs or long torsos. Some of us are tall. There a million subtle differences between all of our bodies. We tend to love whatever it is that we don't have. It is amazing to me how much time, energy and misery humans bring on themselves contemplating their bodies.
If you take a moment and think about anyone you love or maybe even someone you are envious of, can you picture every single inch or shape of their bodies ? No. You don't really care. I have news for you. Nobody cares about the tiny "flaws" in your body either. NOBODY but you.
The minute you decide to be beautiful and "hot" is the moment you are. What makes someone sexy? Mostly it is confidence. Anyone who walks tall and with posture that screams "I am fantastic", is.
Stop reading beauty magazines. Stop reading tabloids that feed on your insecurity and create a nation of jealous and spiteful people waiting to rip apart each other. You are beautiful, sexy, unique and perfect.
What you are attracted to is as unique as you are. There is no "ideal". It is just opinion. We all get to decide if we are beautiful. I can tell you this, anyone who feels good about themselves is NOT vain. They are happy. They are free to be generous with their compliments and not threatened by beauty around them. They are joyful and have time and energy to think and do truly important things. "Vanity" is when a person (this happens a lot with celebrities) does not really believe in themselves or feel good about who they are but throws attitude around.
There is a story about Marilyn Monroe I love. She was walking with a friend down a busy street and nobody recognized or noticed her. She turned to her friend as said "Want to see me become "her"?" She suddenly changed her internal attitude and suddenly EVERYONE recognized her and mobbed her.
Today I want you to do that. I want you have all the confidence, joy and fun that you would have if you allowed yourself to believe that you looked "perfect" (whatever that means). I want you to fake it if you need to and see how it feels.
I have come to believe that if you can do this, you can change your physical body and more importantly, change your life.
Story von Holzhausen

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I am subbing today at 9:30 at 74th and 2nd and Tuesday 12/21 @ Columbus Circle at 11:00 in the Yoga studio.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Most of us love to eat. We all have tastes and textures that we just can't get enough of. Over my years of working with people trying to change their bodies and their lives, I have seen a strange relationship between people and food evolve.
In an effort to "control" their weight, food becomes the enemy. Something to be managed, stressed over and scary. Certain foods (often labeled "binge foods') become barred from the house and they become invested with such power that they are like "the boogie man" of our childhood fears.
I remember one client had this relationship with french fries. Others have it with peanut butter or with candy etc. Even if you don't have one food that you tend to be a little strange with, you may have other types of emotional eating issues. I know very few adults who do not have any kind of emotional attachment to food.
How do we strip our groceries of "power"? How do we turn this strange cycle around? Most people know exactly what they should be eating but the problem seems to be finding the way around these emotional land mines.
I have learned that the path that seems to work the best is one that leads people away from "dieting". Food needs to be celebrated and redefined. Food needs to be something you love and relish and enjoy again.
If you "diet" all day and strip all the joy out of your meals, at night, after all you do for the rest of the world, you are going to want a "reward". You will find that "forbidden fruit" impossible to resist.
How did I handle my client with the french fry obsession ? I told her I wanted her fridge FILLED with french fries. I made her promise me to eat french fries at every meal. We made huge changes as I explained all the healthy foods that she had to try to fit into her day. (The healthiest diet is based on diversity and every color of vegetable needs to be a part of our diet along with lean meats, fruits,nuts and seeds which ends up being a lot of food !).
Whatever your favorite food, there is likely a way to work it into your daily life in a way that is healthy and that can make it no longer "taboo" which is a far healthier emotional place for it to be.
Some foods (like french fries) are so unhealthy that first you need to find a way to improve them before you work them into your diet. This is easily done by possibly using sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes and then working on a healthy oil or even possibly baking them. Other foods that are pretty healthy already just need to be put into your diet in a way that makes sense and helps balance out your eating as a whole. There are many ways of doing this. If you have specific questions or need ideas, you can consult a dietitian, find great recipes on the Internet or even email me !!!!
The important thing is to stop "dieting" and take the fear/power out of food. Find the joy again in what you are eating and start to look at fueling your body like a fun puzzle. How will you fit all those great foods into your day? How will you ever be able to EAT all that food ?
I am going to start blogging some cool ways that I am helping specific people tackle these issues. I will also share some really great and pretty easy ways to make healthy food truly delicious.

Be well !!!!
Story von Holzhausen

Monday, December 6, 2010

human contact

This is a magical time of year. It is also a stressful and sometimes lonely time of year. As we move forward in the age of technology and "delivery" of anything and everything, we leave our houses less. We step outside our comfort zone less often. Here is NYC you can be cramped in a train full of people and be completely alone. All of us with our ear buds/ I-phones/crossword puzzles/smart phones/kindles, stand isolated in a crowd of people. Many studies have also shown that our brains stay healthy and young by changing our daily patterns.
I spend my first year teaching in NYC literally morning, noon and night and had no friends. I had a "cult following" and was so lonely. I know on some levels everyone can relate to that. It seems much more common in a big city to be lonely than a small town. We rarely have "old friends" who live here and if we do, they may very well be in a different phase of life than we are.
There have been small towns where people live much longer than normal. These towns have been studied and one factor that seems to be within these communities there is a strong sense of well, community. People are connected to each other and have daily interactions.
If you do not have co-workers like many people who do one on one work or own their own businesses, you spend most of your time alone or with people that it would be unprofessional to spend time with socially. Many stay at home parents or out of work individuals also suffer the effects of isolation. Sometimes, being a "new Mom" can be the most isolating thing to happen to a person. There are so many scenarios that can potentially lead a person to feeling "alone".
How do we create this sense of "community" in our lives? In this world of electronic intervention, how do we stay connected? I have been pondering this and have some ideas.( I would love to hear some of your ideas too):

1) Join a place of worship (there are places that don't follow any religious dogma but are open to whatever your beliefs are.
2) Learn a new sport (there are clubs for fencing, running, boxing, martial arts etc. and you can meet an amazing array of people there)
3) Take a class to learn Chess/bridge/a new language etc. Not only is this good for your brain but it is also really good for YOU.
4) Change the timing of your day and see what new people you meet.
5) Throw a party and have everyone you know bring 2 friends you don't know.
6) Volunteer.
7) Go to a dog run (even if you don't have a dog, you can always do some research to figure out if you want a dog or what kind of dog would be a good fit).
8) Tag along with a friend through their day. Anything outside of your norm leads to all new possibilities of interaction.
9) Go to a neighborhood you have never been and sit in a small coffee shop and be friendly to the people there.
10) Unplug. Look around you. If you think something (like how nice that sweater is on the person is next to you, SAY it). When you "make someone's day", you make your own. We all have amazing power to create joy all around us.
11) Do good. Look for ways to do this. It may be a stranger or it may be someone you already know very well.
12) Listen to your mother. Ask her what she did when she was younger. You may get some ideas.

Story von Holzhausen

Monday, November 29, 2010

steel cut oats

I hope everyone had a great holiday and you are all looking forward to the rest of the season. I wanted to take a minute and give some really basic info on some ideas for healthy and stress free eating and to answer some questions that some of you have asked.
Lauren asked about freezing Steel Cut Oats. They are actually really easy to freeze. They are slow to cook and can be "started" by soaking them overnight before you even begin the boiling process. I have some really big containers and just leave one on the counter overnight with the lid off to thaw it out for use the next day.
Steel cut oats are so filling and they can be prepared as a sweet or a savory. Kurt adds some really funky things to his that I am going to share as these ideas will keep you full and add a ton of nutrients and antioxidants. I suggest changing it up so you do not get "sick" of steel cut oats.
Kurt is not eating Dairy and I buy Organic unsweetened (this is VERY important as milk contains lactose which is a natural sugar and most almond/soy/hemp/rice milks have added sugar unless you are buying ones that state "unsweetened") Almond or Hemp milk with calcium and vitamin D if I can find it. I use organic skim milk for myself and kids. The sundry list of "toppings":

Sweet steel cut oats

1)Cinnamon (great for blood sugar and metabolism)
2)raw coconut flakes (natural fats keep you full/antioxidants)
3)cocoa nibs (antioxidants)
4)ground flax seeds (yummy nutty flavor with Omega-3s)
5)ground hemp seed (" " some protein too)
6)nuts (huge benefits that we are just starting to learn about such as brain and anticancer powers)
7) bananas (potassium and other nutrients)
8) raw sunflower/pumpkin seeds
9) berries or fruit of any kind.
10) Stevia sweetener
11) honey/maple syrup or agave
12) real vanilla extract
13) nutmeg

Savory steel cut oats (something akin to grits)

1) veggies
2) olive/hemp oil
3) garlic
4) turmeric/chili powder/Tabasco
5) tomato puree or salsa
6) lean proteins in a slices or cubes
7) grated cheese
8) avocado
9) Hummus or Tahiti swirled in
10) fresh or freeze dried herbs

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Yesterday I had everyone focus on gratitude. We all know we should do this more often. The things we have in our lives that we barely "see" anymore they are so familiar are exactly the ones that deserve our gratitude the most.
What I ask of you now is different from the usual. I want you to take a deep breath and with great courage, look at the parts of yourself that you are the most ashamed of. The parts you cringe at if forced to contemplate.
Hopefully we are on a never ending journey to be better people. To grow and evolve. Learning to let go of fear, jealousy, judgement and hate (towards others and towards our "selves"). To free ourselves up for all the beauty of our potential. This year I want you to stand on that "road" that can seem so long and overwhelming. I want you to turn around and see how far you have come. I want you to be grateful for even one step you have had the courage to make on the road towards evolving in to who you might be. If you think and remember, you may just be surprised at how far you have come. Let yourself be inspired and fortified to endure on your path. That journey, however slow your pace, is the true measure of who you are.

Friday, November 12, 2010


I have always loved the word "homecoming". I love the Fall season and the smell and sound of leaves crunching under my feet. Growing up in the extreme north, Fall is crisp and vibrant. The smell of apples and leaves transports me home. The memories of football games, floats and cider still make me giddy even after all these years.
This is a season that we, as humans ,begin our preparations for the winter. We crave hearty food and comfort. Some of us dread the coming winter and some of us love every second of the string of holidays that are underway.
This year is interesting for my family since Kurt is eating "raw" and our menus are so radically different than normal. We have always eaten very healthy food. I have come to realize that people crave and love the food that they eat the most. I see this is my children most of all. If kids have always eaten healthy, they love and want healthy food. The very same thing is true about us.
After cooking fish at lower temperatures and for less time, when I see the salmon I used to eat at my local deli, it looks awful to me. It appears shriveled and burned. My "norm" has been shifted. Many times over the years I have noticed this amazing phenomenon. We get to choose what our "normal" is. That is a pretty cool thing.
When I am teaching a lot (which over the years I have taught up to 5 classes a day), doing 3 spin classes a day is no big deal. Earlier this year when I was pregnant, I would remember my "younger years" of training and be shocked that I could ever have run 10 miles in a stretch and teach all those classes. Training at that level seemed impossible and I was sure that now, being 42, I could never do that.
Just a few months later (not being pregnant anymore), I am back to that amount of activity level. It was a slow increase and I hardly noticed until I thought about it. The more we do the more energy we have. I am amazed that at 43 I can run 10 miles no problem and teach 3 classes a day and not blink an eye. My "norm" was simply recalibrated.
When it comes to what we feed our bodies, we do the very same thing. After these last few months of experimentation and exploration, I have come to believe certain things about food. Having studied nutrition in college and having many of the "facts" I learned later proven to be false, I do not think we know very much about the food we eat. The idea of flavanoids, photochemicals and enzymes being present in food is just beginning to be discovered. Many people (doctors, nutritionist and holistic health practitioners) sound pretty out there with their philosophies on food science.
One of my best friends is a very talented and quite famous dietician. She helps people find practical ways to eat healthier. Her clients feel better and lose weight. She can take your take out menus and shopping lists and work wonders. Sharon knows about brands and products you don't even know existed that can help make your life easier and get you to your target weight with ease.
The average person knows very little about the science behind food. For those of us on the other side of "normal", we are a different beast completely. One of my students is so "food phobic" that she eats almost nothing. She could scare you off of eating almost anything with tales of chemicals, pesticides, mercury etc. There is actually a new "eating disorder" that is classified as being overly aware and obsessed with healthy eating.
Somewhere between the "average American" and the "health nut", there is a balance. I believe that we need to take more responsibility for our food. We have gotten very lazy and lost many skills that our grandparents had.
We can re-set our idea of "normal". Even the busiest person has time to feed themselves an their family well. It is not so hard to cook our own food. Once we get into the habit, it actually is no big deal. With a little creativity and a freezer, you can actually work LESS.
I am going to tell you what I believe to be true about food. This is a blog. My blog to be specific. Although I have done extensive reading, research and experimentation and truly believe these truths, I am not going to explain all the reasons behind them. It would simply take too long and I am not sure that anyone cares of would be able to follow the science without a background in food science:

1) Our bodies have a Ph. When that Ph balance is off, all kinds of problems arise including yeast, energy and health problems. When we eat more plant based foods in their natural/raw state and less meat products and processed food, we help keep a healthy Ph.
How do you do this? Here are some very easy ways:
a) Cook a huge pot of steel cut oats over the weekend. Freeze some and keep the rest in the fridge to be eaten for breakfast and even as a snack or dessert. Flavor it with nuts, stevia ,cinnamon, crushed flax seed etc.
b) Eat salads. Be brave and creative with what you can eat raw. Bok Choy, sprouts of every kind, grated purple cabbage, raw pumpkin and sunflower seeds, berries, pomogranite seeds. Almost any fruit or vegetable can find it's way into a salad and add really great texture and flavor.
c) Bring food with you. Don't get stuck starving with no options. Toss an apple in your bag. I have been making an AMAZINGLY yummy "trail mix" lately that is super easy to make:
1) Bare Fruit freeze dried cinnamon apples
2) raw almonds
3) raw unsweetened coconut flakes
This mixture is beyond yummy and has great texture and really satisfies you.

2) We crave sugar and salt the more sugar and salt we eat. This is what companies know and use to get us addicted to junk food. I tell my students and clients, if you can't "pick it or catch it" don't eat it. After a few days of real food, you will be amazed at just how salty that can of soup tastes and how grossly sweet that salad dressing is.

3) Eat when you are hungry. So many people are obsessed with WHEN they will eat certain foods. Our bodies are very wise. They will guide us very well if we start to listen. Children eat more one day, less the next based on their activity level. We get used to our portion sizes. If we start to be open to the fact that sometimes we are really hungry, sometimes we are not, we will eat what our bodies need. There is a lot of research that shows that our metabolisms respond well to a varied caloric load. It is a bit like interval training. I call it "interval eating". If you eat a diet of 1200 a day, your body will turn down it's metabolism to survive on that diet.

4) Get over your fear of fat. Plant/fish fat is really good for you. Fat keeps your brain and skin healthy. It keeps you full and makes the food you eat really satisfying.

5) Cooking at high temps and for long periods of time, chemically alters food. Food that is brown/carmalized is cancer causing, will age you and has lost a lot of what we are eating the food for. Cook your fish below 325 and take it out when it is just flaking. Keep your vegetables vibrant in color and still crunchy.

6) There are a lot of chemicals on our produce. I will spare you the scary numbers but will tell you that there can be up to 20 different chemicals sprayed on your food. The FDA studies each one separately but has never studied how they may interact with each other. That being said, organic food is expensive. When we buy organic, we "vote" that organic practices are important to us. We send the message to farmers that we want them to be more ethical in their treatment of animals (watch the documentary "Food Inc" and you will NEVER buy anything but organic again). I buy only organic dairy products. ESPECIALLY for my children. Girls are getting their periods so young these days and many experts believe it is from hormones and chemicals in our food. For food like broccoli that I don't peel and that has a a porous surface I buy only organic. I also buy organic pears and apples since we eat a LOT of them. The foods, I will buy that are not organic are foods that have a thick skin like melon, bananas, citrus, kiwis etc.

There is a lot more to share and I promise to be better about blogging. Please reach out to me and let me know your thoughts and questions.
Story von Holzhausen

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"The Lever" on you tube

I have posted "The Lever" on You Tube. There are 3 segments. The first is the tutorial. This is the most important. If you (even if you are advanced) do this only a few times, you will have great form and it will target and work on your entire lower body and core. The second segment is workshop and the third is Full Moon Cycle.
I invite all of you to really study this move. Understanding and getting this right will move you forward in your practice of Liquid Strength. I cannot say enough how beneficial this could be for everyone. I would love to hear from all of you as to your progress. This is the link:

Friday, October 8, 2010

getting our groove back

I love this time of year. It is room temperature outside and you don't sweat all day after you train. Running, cycling and walking outside allows you to see the beauty of the change of season and smell the leaves as they crunch under your feet.
Kurt is hanging in there with his mostly raw diet. At first it sounded so daunting but now that he is in the habit of packing his breakfasts, it feels effortless. So much of our behavior is just that, habit. We have the choice of what our habits are. Making those changes are not easy. The first day (or 3) are pretty darn hard. Especially if we think/make it hard. I have found that the 'lighter" I keep the choices :"I think I am going to just brush my teeth and go read now", around the time I am considering diving head first into the candy bowl, the easier they are. Our vices will be there tomorrow, but today we can just say "nah, think I'll pass".
Kurt loves and knows a lot about wine. He really enjoys drinking it and tasting it. He has begun to explore herbal teas at night and getting into that and now that is his habit. I have been buying actually leaves and twigs and roots and we boil it into a tincture. It's actually pretty fun !
Our classes have gotten very advanced and I find myself back in my creative mode and I love that. All of you are at a level now that there is a freedom in our classes that anything I can throw out at you, you are open and able to do.
Adding in the varied times, a lot more people are able to get to classes and the core group of Liquid Strength is growing. That is very exciting. I am trying to get together a "study group" of people to test drive my DVD while I watch so I can see what kind of graphics I need to add so that people will be able to do it.
The DVD will be released shortly. I am not very good at the "business" end of all this so I am trying to grow and learn become better......
Story von Holzhausen

Monday, September 27, 2010

New Liquid Strength CLASS !!!!

The new class will not be monday but Friday at 9:30 am !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Story von Holzhausen

Friday, September 24, 2010

Thursday night classes......

I have found a studio on West 72nd that I am considering renting to teach classes on Thursday nights. I would love for all of you to think about what time would work for you and if you are interested in adding in another day...
Story von Holzhausen

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Our kitchen looks like a vegetable stand. There is green in every drawer, shelf and crevice. As I blogged earlier, Kurt was doing a yeast free diet for his migraine syndrome when I brought home a free sample of recovery drink that he liked. The man who created the drink is the author of the "Thrive Diet". He is champion Iron Man competitor and he is vegan and raw. I also read (interesting timing) a book by Dr. Perricone about "ageless mind". This book gives specific nutrient advice and dietary guidelines for anti aging and optimal health.
There is some commonality between these books. It seems like these common bonds are the ones that are worth passing onto my readers. Kurt is better. He is off of coffee, sugar and processed food. His energy and mood are so great that as hard as this diet is, I want him to stay on it. He also looks younger. I can't put my finger on what it is but there is a difference. When you marry someone younger than you, you notice these things, haha.
I am not as motivated as he is. Sharp blinding pain is a pretty good motivator. I have made some changes and been very surprised by some things I have found. Let me give you the basics about what all three of these "theories" share:

1) Our bodies are aged by food that contains sugar. It causes inflammation on the cellular level.
2) We change our PH when we eat badly. This may or may not cause an over growth of yeast. This can manifest itself as illness, exhaustion, headache etc. For me (and my daughter), we get skin rashes. Really dry feet are fungal/yeast related. Very chapped lips (which I have suffered from my whole life) and pimples/rash on the back of your arms and on your behind can all be caused by yeast/fungus. When we eat sugar, we "feed" the yeast and make our PH friendly to yeast.
3) Cooking food (especially meats and oils), changes the chemical structure. High temperature alters healthy fats into unhealthy ones. Similar to sun damage on our skin, cooking meats/fats harshly ages our bodies.
4) We lose photo nutrients and enzymes in food when we cook it.

These are the claims that these three books make. My personal experience beliefs are that these facts are mostly true. The changes that I have made are big but doable:
1) I eat no sugar
2) I cook my own food and eat no canned, packages, boxed food.
3) My intake of leafy greens (spinach, Kale etc) is much higher than before.
4) I am cooking our fish at 325 degrees

What I have found is:
1) I like green juice.
2) Some veggies are great raw. They are much more filling but also give me gas.
3) I can eat a ridiculous amount of raw nuts and lose weight (I don't even want to lose weight). This is the weirdest part as if I add up the calories, the math does not make sense...
4) Ice cream does not sound good to me.

Kurt is eating all veggies raw. He is eating only fish. We have use almond milk, hemp milk, soy milk and I use skim milk in my tea. The easiest way to "eat out" is to order salads or steamed or poached fish and veggies.
I will keep you all posted on how it is going. I am not sure what further changes I will make or how long we will stay on this diet. It is interesting as a fitness/health professional to document and witness these changes. I hope you all find it interesting too. You will have to tell me if you see changes that I may not notice.
I have to say, the best part for me is that I have no desire to eat junk. NONE. The kids candy, dessert etc. is not tempting to me. That alone is huge.

Story von Holzhausen

Friday, September 17, 2010


It is amazing what a big business health/fitness/weight loss is. Even for someone who knows all the science and lingo, the bevy of claims is dizzying. There are so many theories about nutrition. Everyone has a philosophy that they swear by. Many of these completely conflict. How do we sort through what is fact and what is fiction?
The answer is illusive. So much of food science we still don't understand. Every year there is new research and then a few years later a study will come out proving it wrong. So much of what I learned in college in my nutrition classes has now been proven wrong. In college, we learned that trans fats were simply fats with an extra hydrogen atom pumped in. We had no idea that these fats were damaging. We also learned that Coconut oil was saturated and unhealthy. It has now been proven to be one of the healthiest for us.
The food pyramid has been re-written and everyone has their own version. I have been reading a few books lately including:

The Thrive Diet (vegan/super athletic/restrictive calorie)
The Yeast Diet (sugar/fermented food etc. free)
Pericone's ageless face/ageless mind (antioxidant/anti-inflammatory)

The authors of these books are passionate about their diets. They are convincing in their presentation of science/results. There are aspects of these books that are highly questionable in the medical community. That does not mean that they are wrong or right, it simply means that they are unproven either way.
In the effort to grow and learn it is important to constantly question our knowledge and our "knowns". It is also very important to realize that every person is different. Their DNA and physical/mental traits are uniquely their own. That being said, we are all the same species and there are some commonalities we share. In the effort to educate , I am going to attempt to pass on the salient points that I have taken from these three books/theories.
Although each book has it's own regimen and sometimes they are in conflict, there are some points in which they all agree. For me, these are the points that seem most important and valuable to most of us.
There seem to be 3 major issues dealt with here:

1) Our bodies react to food. Food can change our PH balance and can cause inflammation and create an environment for yeast to grow and for our natural digestive flora to be thrown off.

2) Food contains anti-oxidants and flavanoids/natural chemicals that can have a very positive and healing effect on our bodies.

3) The average American Diet has been invaded by genetically altered very unhealthy food.

Tackling these issues will take me more than one blog entry. I am using myself and Kurt as test studies, taking to Sharon Richter, my very good friend and nutritionist and various other health professionals to attempt to take the "good" out of these theories and present them in a way that is helpful and authentic.
So far there are some things I have learned (or relearned) that are worth sharing:

1) Nobody can argue that fresh fruits and vegetables are the best things we can eat. If we do not process or overcook them, all the better. Many veggies are best for us raw. Veggies can and should be worked into all of our meals. The more variety the better and there is no such thing as "too much".

2) The concept of "fat free" is wrong and unhealthy. Vitamin A,D, E and K are fat soluble vitamins. We need fat in our diet. Essential fat is called essential for a reason. We need to eat healthy fats and get the rest out of our diets as much as we can. Healthy fats (I will get into this in more depth later but this is the point I find most exciting) not only are good for our hearts and brains, they can actually HELP us lose weight.

3) Sugar is horrible for us. Horrible. Nobody needs it in their diet. It is so addictive and (I know I LOVE sweets too !!) in is in way too much of our foods. Sugar is hidden in our food to make us eat more and buy more and traps us in a cycle of cravings and guilt.

Story von Holzhausen

Thursday, September 16, 2010

eating clean

Kurt had to go to Sweden and had a hard time finding food to stay on the "yeast free" plan. When he ordered sushi he said he could taste vinegar in the sushi rice. A migraine followed so he is starting to believe that the mold allergy could be a big factor in his migraine syndrome. Did you know that you can order "gluten free" meals on most airlines. You can also pack salads and carry them on the airplane with you. In most cases, the food you bring is a much better option than airline food....
I have been eating a lot of bison burger. There is a gazpacho soup (home made but not by me) that I LOVE and I just cut up the bison or turkey burger and put it in the soup with some added veggies. I do not eat red meat usually but I know that I am a little anemic after some health issues over the summer and I find that my body wants and needs these bison burgers. Normally, I eat only fish and cage free eggs but bison is very lean and I am "diggin it" right now.
Going into week 3 of being essentially sugar free, I am less hungry at night and do not have cravings for junk. Although my brain still asks: "what can I munch on now" while I am watching tv or doing a crossword puzzle at night, I find that nothing sounds good to me and I just brush my teeth and go read. That is a huge change for me.
I am eating a lot of nuts. It seems logical to me that raw nuts (not roasted) are healthier for you since they are in their natural form. Many oils break down when cooked and are better used post heat. (Canola oil is a much better oil to cook with than olive oil for this reason). I love all nuts so I buy them in bulk and grab a handful to munch as dessert. Strangely, if I counted calories (which I do not believe in and have never done) I should be gaining weight but I am not. I feel great. There is no swelling in the morning in my joints or hands/face and my energy is way up. I am also back to my pre-hormone/pregnancy weight.
Being such a sweet toothed person, I find it amazing that after a week or so, it can be so easy to not eat sugar. There is a lot to be said for "avoidance" vs. "moderation" in my opinion.
Story von Holzhausen

Monday, September 13, 2010

Liquid Strength® Fall. "yeast free diet"

After 3 years of trying everything for his "migraine syndrome", my husband is now trying to the "Yeast Free Diet". Allergy tests showed that he has a delayed and very extreme mold allergy. We all hear about people going "dairy free" or "wheat free". The jury is still out as to what if any benefits these diets offer the average person but for some people they can be life altering.
What has been enlightening to me is just how hard it is to eat so simply. Basically, mold/yeast is in anything that is fermented (this means no vinegar, wine, beer, mustard, soy sauce etc.). Mold can also grow in the shells of nuts, in coffee beans, tea leaves,fruit with pits and all melons and berries. Sugar is said to "feed yeast" so all sugar and sugar containing things are out too. That means even dairy products because they contain Lactose, a natural sugar.
Because I am the one who shops and cooks, I have had to educate myself and get creative with our food supplies and menu. Although I am not doing the diet like Kurt is, it is hard to argue with the logic of eating fresh fruits and vegetables and lean protein with no added junk....
We are not the "average" couple/family as it is regarding diet and exercise but this experience has taught me that even we use some products that are not 100% healthy. The first thing to go was the artificially sweetened products. In an effort to avoid sugar, it is easy to ingest a great deal of chemicals. Especially in drinks and yogurt etc. The only natural sweetener that is chemical free is Stevia and very few companies are using it.(Vitamin Water Zero is the only mainstream drink I can think of that currently uses Stevia).
We all LOVE bread/pasta/bagels etc. but the reality is that nobody can argue with the fact that fresh fruits and vegetables are better carbs. They yield myriad nutrients and photo-chemicals that we are only beginning to understand. I am going to share our journey a little with this way of eating. Kurt has a very specific and compelling reason to try this diet. He has spent 3 years battling horrific migraines that he has up to 70% of the time. Very few people need to eat with this kind of rigidity but all of us could steer our diets more along the lines of this kind of eating and be much healthier for it.
I invite all of you to come along on this journey and try to make some changes in how you "feed" your body and your awareness of what is in the food you eat. The next couple weeks I am going to be sharing some samples of the changes we have made and what I see happening with Kurt and with myself. I am curious to see what will happen....

The "Allowed" foods:
oats (steel cut only), rice, barley (not malted), potatoes, sweet potatoes,

any kind of fruit besides grapes, melons and berries (up to 2 pieces a day but I am eating more)


All lean proteins

olive, safflower, sunflower all raw.

Nuts and seeds:
almonds, brazil, cashews, filberts, pecans pumpkin seeds.

It sounds pretty easy but breakfast was really challenging. Kurt has no time and the cafeteria at work is not an option. What we did was buy several boxes of steel cut oats and cage free eggs and basically turned our kitchen into a mess hall.... I hauled down the "lobster pot" and we cooked the biggest batch of steel cut oats I have ever seen. (Steel cut oats must be cooked for up to 45 minutes so you need to plan ahead.) We also "soft boiled" 3 dozen eggs and put them back into their cartons so we could grab them as needed out of the fridge.
For breakfast, Kurt is packing a tupperware container with a the steel cut oats (I cooked some cinnamon with them for flavor and added anti oxidant benefit), two eggs and an aluminum container with unsweetened soy milk or almond milk.
For lunch he eats a salad with whatever he likes with olive oil and lemon. For dinner, I make a typical fish and vegetables dinner. The biggest challenge has been trying to find something to marinade the fish in. I usually use wine and some soy sauce so lemon is all I have left. I toss in lots of herbs and freeze dried garlic and onions.
I would love to see all of you try a day/week of eating like this. It takes a little bit of work but it is not as hard as I thought it would be. After 3 days, you get pretty used to it. I will be checking in and sharing the challenges and what I see happening with Kurt and myself.
Kurt has given up coffee which I have not. The first day he had a headache (not a migraine) but some advil cleared it right up). He is on day 5 and has not had a migraine but I am not sure that it is the diet that has made a difference yet. He said he felt "full in his stomach but still hungry" for the first 3 days. I ate oatmeal for dessert at night. I can't sleep if I am hungry. Kurt has lost a pound (not that he needed to). After a week we will add in nuts which will help him a lot.

Story von Holzhausen

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A health nut American in Spain.

Kurt and I arrived in the beautiful seaside Eden of Marbella Spain. Our hotel was beyond elegant and had 3 upscale restaurants. We like to empty out our mini bar of booze and temptations and fill it up with healthy stuff. It makes trevelling more cost effective and much healthier.
We walked to the grocery store to the horror of the hotel staff who could not believe we could possibly walk that distance. (To a New Yorker, it was about a 10 block stretch and no biggie). We armed ourselves with a back pack and rolling shopping basket and prepare to witness the "way healthier and less processed" edible offerings of the Mediterranean. The dairy section was first up and with my Italian and Kurt's Spanglish we begin to attempt to conquer the wall of yogurt. The goal was to find fat free and unsweetened. 20 minutes later we both have what we think to be just that but take 3 options just in case. Next up in natural order is the cereal aisle. Some brands are familiar (Special K) but we find some very comical alterations. There was a box with a shapely womanly figure with the word FITNESS in big lettering. This particular cereal came in Chocolate and Dark Chocolate flavors only.
The next section was the Pate/meat in various forms. We saw more glorified Spam and shrink wrapped animal fat than I have ever seen in one place. Heading towards the "fish" section I spotted what I thought was some kind of pasta. On closer inspection, it turned out to be small eels that resembled nothing so much as a mosh pit of worms preserved in plastic. 40 minutes into our shopping trip, we looked down into our basket and had....yogurt.
The fruit and vegetables in Spain are fantastic. The fish and olive oil are some of the best I have ever had. I was amazed however at just how few "healthy" options there were. There were very few heavy people in Spain. It was clear to see that the difference between American and Spanish diets were portion size, less snacking and more freshly prepared meals. We are very aware of "fat free" and I believe that perhaps that is not the way to go. Healthy fats seem to help our body let go of fat (fat is essential after all) and be much more satisfied with smaller and healthier meals. A plate of grilled fish and vegetables with a grassy and flavorful olive oil is so satisfying that you don't miss the bread and "bulk" of the typical American plate.
Presentation and plate size are radically different in Spain. The celebration of food,quality of ingredients and taking time to prepare and to sit down and eat (slowly and with relish) were reminders of what we, as Americans, have drifted away from.
We can all bring the inspiration and example of the Mediterranean to our lives. Be daring in your exploration of fresh produce and the many miraculously diverse and delicious offerings of the Sea. Just like wine, olive oil is varied and subtle and worth tasting all different kinds to find which flavor from grassy to spicy and you like best.
The more we move away from "dieting" and begin to actually feed ourselves with joy and relish, the healthier and happier we will be.
Story von Holzhausen

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I am away till Sept 7th. Important news for Fall.....

I will be back to teaching and adding some classes in the Fall. I will be adding wed am classes. Back to back cycle and Liquid Strength® @ 74th and 2nd.
We MAY be changing my schedule at Tribeca a bit. The Wed class will remain exactly the same but the Friday may be changing. I will keep you posted as soon as I know. I hope you are all doing great. I miss all of you.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Big Children

It is amazing watching kids as they navigate the social and "political" maze that is "the playground". This is the forum in which they learn all about interaction with their peers. The insecurities and bits of ego are already there but are not yet "steering" their behavior. The whole point of the activity is to have "fun".
As adults, the goals are more complicated. We need to be successful and earn money. We also want to earn respect and esteem from our peers. The years have allowed those bits of insecurity and ego to carve some pretty deep writing on the pages of our lives and have a lot more control over our behavior.
Many times, the more frightened or vulnerable we feel, the more "cocky" and critical we become. We communicate the exact opposite of what we intend. Most prejudice and bias is deeply rooted in fear and insecurity of the unknown and "uncontrollable". It is a lifetime journey to pry our minds open when we want to "control and protect" the most.
If all of us could work on this, there would be a lot less meanness in the world. One of the hardest things in life is to stare down behavior that pushes all of our buttons, makes us cringe and makes us ashamed and embarrassed. The grace of forgiveness for ourselves and from others is a miraculous thing. The potential for growth and understanding from our worst mistakes is something that can be awe inspiring if we allow it to be. If we can face, forgive, learn and love ourselves, others can too.

Story von Holzhausen

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Moving outside the box

Imagine if you could watch on a split screen t.v. a boxer boxing vs. a boxing class or a basket ball game vs. an interval class doing "jump shots". What would be the differences between the two images?

The movements of the "real" sport would be constantly changing. The basketball player would be running, avoiding other players and getting to the basket at different,angles, heights and directions each time would be need a varying amount of force to "make" the basket. The boxer would be ducking and weaving and trying to land a punch differently every time. The people who were doing a simulated "class" would likely be standing with their feet facing a mirror and going at the same angle or at most changing sides with feet unmoving and repeating the same angle and body position repeatedly. The "real sports" would require changing momentum (using the core and muscles to quickly overpower the direction the body is moving and propel into another direction), shifting balance and a great deal of explosive force with each shot/punch to actually succeed in making the basket or delivering a powerful punch.

We can make our workouts more effective and constantly challenge our bodies if we begin to move "outside the box". If we are doing timed intervals of one exercise or choreography based exercise, we can be creative and explore the many different ways of doing a movement. Our workouts can be creative and exploratory if we stay present in our movements and make it a goal to make each one "real" and authentic. Not only could we reduce repetitive movement injuries but we could develop the strength in our muscles and ligaments to support our daily movements in 3D not just in a linear fashion.
Too often, our workouts don't really train our bodies to move in the real world. When do you ever stand straight (legs shoulder distant apart) ,directly in front of your cabinets, to lift groceries in a straight line ? We don't. Our lives require us to be able to reach, twist, push, pull and move at constantly changing angles.
Why don't we start to make our workouts more effective by thinking and moving "outside the box".

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"The Posture Guru" test

Having worked in the fitness and modeling field for many years, It amazes me is how little people think about how they HOLD their bodies (no matter what those bodies look like). Our posture broadcasts for the whole world to see, just what we think of ourselves. If you stand tall, proud and strong, you appear that way (even if you are 4'8" tall). The most amazing body in the world won't look good if you slouch. Bad posture can cause back, hip and neck pain, profoundly age your body, steal your height and bone health. Posture is a "rent to own" arrangement and we get to choose our own. How do you reverse lifelong bad habits and turn things around? Having great posture takes awareness and practice but you can make changes instantly, transform yourself and don't have to wait to see results. Do this simple check to see how you are doing:
1) Facing the mirror, are your shoulders rolled back,dropped down as you lift your chest upward (there should be no crease at chest level)? We call this "Joyous Chest" in Liquid Strength and that is exactly how it makes you look and feel.
2) Are you as long as you can be from your hips to your neck (keeping #1 unchanged !) ?
3) Turning sideways to the mirror, is the back of your head in alignment with the the back of your shoulder blades (are your head and chin forward)?
4) Is your tailbone raised a little until your pelvis is slightly rotated forward with a slight arch in your back (not slouched under) ?

Holding your body correctly, you feel the muscles you must strengthen to improve your posture. The visual difference and how good it makes you feel is huge. If you look at people who work in the public eye vs. photos of ordinary people, you will see a big difference. celebrities and models have honed the skill and strength to hold good posture. It makes them look better in pictures and on film/television and their livelihoods depend on that. Not everyone can be rich, famous and beautiful but they can look and feel just as regal and sexy as anyone on the red carpet. It is never too late to start. Here is a super easy exercise to help you turn back years of bad habits:

1) Stand with your heels almost touching a wall. Roll your shoulder blades back and drop them down until they touch the wall, slightly lower your chin and pull the base of your head against the wall (lengthening the BACK of your neck). Hold this position for 15 seconds, breathe, rest and repeat. If you cannot touch the wall than your goal is to work up to it slowly.

Story von Holzhasuen (website, blog and video promo)
Follow me on Twitter: Liquidstrength
Facebook fan page: Liquid Strength

Sunday, August 8, 2010


As you can see from my blog schedule, I have been subbing a lot the first two weeks of August. I have my twins the last two weeks of August so I will ONLY be teaching (I am driving in from Greenwich) on Wed the 18th @ 12:30 and thursday the 19th @12:20. I will be away from then on until Sept 8th. I have secured wonderful subs so please come and work hard while I am away.

This week I teach an extra Liquid Strength at NIGHT on wed night @7:15 at 54th and 2nd

Please make sure you watch my promo on Youtube and pass the link onto all your friends !!!

Story von Holzhausen

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

inner "fitness"

I am taking a break from the "terms of fitness" list to strike a balance between the mind and body. I have been writing a lot of articles lately about posture and more scientifically based topics but it is vital for me (and you) to keep our eyes turned inward and our awareness of "self" always present.
When I was pregnant with my twins, the one thing I wished for them was to be "curious". The GIFT of curiosity, the love of learning and of growing spiritually and emotionally is a precious one. Without it, we cease to evolve and live lives with as much depth and meaning as we could. We stagnate and are not content with our "selves" or our lives.
Take the time to ensure you are being "fed" on every level, every day of your life. Seek out new friendships, paths and challenges that scare you a little and challenge you to re-evaluate your comfort zone and what you "know".

Monday, August 2, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010

my subbing schedule as of yet

Tues August 3rd-
6:00 pm spin @ 74th and 2nd
7:00 spin @ 74th and 2nd
Wed. 4th:
6:30 am spin @ CC
12:30 Liquid Strength@ Tribeca
5:30 Liquid Strength interval drills (Tabata) @ Wall st
6:30 Spin @ Wall

Thurs 5th:
6:30 cycle@ Tribeca
7:30 Interval Liquid Strength (Tabata)
12:20 spin @ CC

Mon 9th:
6:30 am spin@CC
6:15pm cycle @74th and 2nd
7:15 cyle @ 74th and 2nd

Wed 11th:
6:30 am cycle@CC
12:30 Liquid Strength@ Tribeca
6:15 Cycle @ 54th st
7:15 Liquid Strength@ 54th

Thurs 12th:
12:30 cycle @CC

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Definition of Fitness

It has been a while since I had to lose weight.( I am very grateful that Liquid Strength was "given" to me as it made that whole battle a thing of the past.) Since I have had to lose "baby weight" this month, I have again become aware of just HOW well Liquid Strength works.
I did a phone interview with a writer who is doing a story on why Manhattan women are thinner than the national average. It was amazing talking to her. I have worked for so many years in this field that I thought everyone knew what I did. Evidently, that is not the case. I wanted to explain the basic science behind exercise. It will help you to understand the goals and gains of different types of training.
Let me first explain what the term "fitness" means. The American Council of Exercise defines fitness as:
1) Muscle strength
2) Muscle endurance
3) body composition
4) cardiovascular capability
5) flexibility

Basically, we need to have enough strength to move our bodies around and perform our daily duties. We need muscle endurance to be able to maintain the tasks we do (for an athlete that can mean running a marathon for a non athlete it can mean holding up your end of the couch you are moving so you don't drop it on your foot). Body composition is the ratio of "lean body mass" (your lean muscle tissue and your bone density) to body fat. Cardiovascular capability is pretty straight forward. Flexibility is really about the"range of motion" we have (are you able to reach up to get that bowl on the top shelf?)

Muscle Strength: There are different methods for gaining muscle strength. Muscle can be gained from repeated activities (this would fall into the "high rep" kind of training) or by overloading the muscle with weight training. Overload can also happen in daily life when you lift or push against a force and you get muscle soreness from the activity. Muscle can also be gained by explosive movement which we call in the fitness world "plyometrics" (Think about jumping as hard and high as you can and landing in a squat and jumping again).
When we lift weights , do walking lunges or do explosive movements, we get sore. The science behind getting sore is that you have made tiny tears in the muscle fibers. Fluids flood the muscle and the muscle swells causing a temporary enlargement of the muscle. The body then uses amino acids (building blocks from protein which is what your body is made of) to repair the damage and rebuild the muscle to be stronger by adding muscle fiber (everyone always asks what is in my water bottle when I teach. Amino Vital is my choice for amino acid supplementation because the chemistry behind it is perfect for muscle recovery). This allows your body to survive and function in an adapting environment (if you had to overpower other animals to eat in order to survive, your body needs to evolve and change to meet that need). I highly doubt any of us are wrestling bison in the Stop and Shop but it wasn't that long ago that dinner was much harder to come by.
Only in recent years have we come to understand how important adding lean muscle mass to our bodies is. Your metabolism is basically the measure of your lean body mass which is comprised of muscle, sinew and bone. As we age, our metabolism slows down because we lose muscle mass and bone mass.
The beauty of strength training is that it adds muscle mass and bone mass. Calcium is the building block for bone. Weight bearing exercise enables the calcium to be "packed" into the bone. Basically, we can halt the effects of aging on our bodies but doing strength training. Every pound of muscle burns close to 50 extra calories a day. If we can add 10 lbs of muscle, we basically can burn 500 calories a day doing nothing more than walking around, sleeping and eating.
As an athlete, a stronger body means better performance and even less risk of injury because your body has a natural "brace" and support system. The more variety we can add in our strength training (using functional training and varying the exercises), the more quality muscle and strength we gain. This is why Liquid Strength is so effective. We constantly vary the range of motion, speed and weight load.

Muscle endurance means the ability to "endure" or maintain a given movement for a duration. The ability for a runner to run a marathon is different from a runner doing a short sprint. The body types of these two athletes looks different and the muscle fibers that they have are different. To be truly "fit" we want to find the balance of both kinds of muscle fibers. Fast and slow twitch. In order to train our bodies to have both muscle strength and muscle endurance, we have to vary our training. Higher "rep" movements with lighter weights or no weights at all help the body to build muscle endurance. Muscle endurance is vital to be able to train for longer periods of time and do many activities (cross country ski, play a whole game of tennis, cycling etc.).
In Liquid Strength we work on muscle endurance and muscle strength. The blend of both types of training yields a strong and more elongated line.

Body Composition is the ratio of lean body mass to body fat. Although BMI (body mass index) is a good and easy ball park figure for non athletes, it is a very poor measure for anyone who is muscular at all. The best way to get a true measure of body composition is to test for body fat. This can be done with calipers that measure the subcutaneous fat at the arm, waist and leg (locations vary from device to device and for men and women) or with scales or handheld "body fat" scanners. These devices can give an idea but are reliant on hydration levels also so they can are not completely accurate. The only way to get a true body fat reading (mainly because we store fat in our muscles and under our muscles too) is under water weighing. This is an expensive and hard to find service. I believe a very well trained professional and a good pair of calipers is the most realistic and accurate choice for most people. The scale is a very poor measure of your fitness if you are doing any kind of strength training.

Cardiovascular capability is basically the measure of the how well your heart and lungs (and the delivery system of oxygen to your muscles) perform. To make this as simple as possible (there are a lot of complicated and very scientific elements to this), it is "how winded" you are when you perform at activity/sport. This is measure of heart health and it is important.

Flexibility is the most straight forward of the "elements of fitness" but what we are finding is that the measure of "range of motion" is actually more important than simple flexibility. The difference between them is: flexibility is the measure of how far your muscles and ligaments will lengthen passively (without using your muscles) such as pulling your arm behind your head in a stretch versus how far you are able to reach behind your head.
Our range of motion and flexibility decrease as we age so doing stretch class and yoga classes and strength training that explore a wider range of motion are really important to keeping your body young and healthy.

Story von Holzhausen

Friday, July 30, 2010

The grass is green here too.

I find it fascinating how we seem to believe that other people are much happier than we are. If we are single, we envy the married couple or the new baby. If we are married, we wonder "what if" and we envy the freedom and time that our single friends have. If we have a big high power career or work very publicly, we crave the "leave your work AT work" and "privacy" of those who have different types of jobs. The curly haired want straight. The long legged want the tiny get the idea.
Working so many years with so many different kinds of people, I have learned a lot. Every day I learn a little more and realize just how little I know. EVERYONE has things they love about their lives. EVERYONE has things that make them miserable. The most amazing life on the outside does not feel that way from the inside. It takes hindsight to see this most often in our own lives. When your situation changes, you realize how lucky you were and that you never got to "enjoy it" because you were so focused on the things you WANTED.
It is vital that we at least TRY to change this is in our lives. I have been working hard on this lately. Mostly because I have friends who I am talking to on a daily basis and SEEING this phenomenon in action. Take a GOOD look at your life. Take a GOOD look at those you see as "having everything". You will see parts of their lives that they would trade you for in a heartbeat. When you get "all you ever wanted", you may be floored by the fact that you are not happy with it.
Look at your life with new eyes. What are the things that someone else would say "WOW, you are so lucky" about. Let me give you an example:

The single person: (this is easy for me so it's the longest list ha ha)
Having the choice to do whatever I like during my free time and never needing to "ask permission" or get a sitter. Sitting quietly and reading or going and doing ANYTHING I want. My career is what I make of it and has no limits. If I was offered an amazing job opportunity in China I could go there tomorrow. Could go on tour or join the circus. If someone has extra tickets, I can spontaniously go to any event at any time I want to. Can cook an amazing dinner or not. Clean my house or not. I can do everything on my to do list. I can work out whenever I want to.

The married person:
I love my children and family. They love me. I am never bored. The things I am working on are long lasting and the energy I put into them yield quality things.

I could do this list for:
The beautiful people: there is a lot of envy/ hate out there that you have to overcome before you even open up your mouth.

The famous:I am not free to come and go as I please and just people watch or be normal. I never know if I am loved for me or my fame.

The wealthy (this one is harder): I don't get the thrill of going places or getting gifts like when they weren't so easy to come by. Are my friends real or are they free loaders. There is nothing to aspire to or work to earn. I have no goals or dreams.

The whole point is that we are lucky. There are a million reasons why. The more we can try to focus on those things, the happier our lives will be. It is SO much easier to exercise and eat right when we are happy than when we are miserable. What if the choice was ours to make ?? Well, it is.

Story von Holzhausen
Liquid Strength

Thursday, July 29, 2010

10 great things about getting older

1) Realizing that "nobody really cares that much about you, what you are doing, not doing or what you look like etc. etc.
2) Playing trivial pursuit with younger people.
3) The ability to laugh (really hard) at yourself.
4) (this is a weird one) Being able to hear and understand song lyrics much more clearly.
5) Noticing and appreciating little things like a cool breeze in the heat, a good soundtrack DURING the movie, actually getting REAL mail.
6) Having "sight" instead of hindsight.
7) The ability to have "fun" doing nothing (remember the agony of boredom????)
8) Enjoying the result of "chores". (you HAD to clean when you were younger but it never felt so GOOD when you admired your work)
9) Actually LIKING family reunions.
10) WANTING to go to bed.

Story von Holzhausen

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Liquid Strength fix for TCESESM

I have decided to start blogging about the small stuff. The things that come up (or I learn) in daily life. When it comes right down to it, that is what the whole point of life is right ? It has been a strange year. So many people really effected by the economy. You can feel how the "bling" nation has turned into the "green/cost saving" nation. What was cool just a few years ago (lots of flashy, glossy displays of wealth) is completely tacky and "out" now. I personally love that change since I am low on fashion sense and seems a very good thing too as I try to teach my children what matters in life.
There is a balance (and I know a lot of you struggle with this too) between living an evolved and meaningful life and yet still "caring what you look like". I remember my Mom telling me when I was a teenage that "I would still care what I look like when I am 50". I thought she was nuts. Once I am married and "old", that stuff won't matter at all to me (I thought). Yeah, right. I know a lot of very intelligent and giving people who work for multiple charities and causes and are not in the least bit trivial. I do not know ONE person who does not care how they are perceived or "how they look". Hopefully, as we age, we care a lot less about how MOST people perceive us and care more about earning affection, value and respect from the few that really matter.
It seems that what we strive for is to be free of insecurities that take up our time and thoughts so we can focus on what matters to us. Being a trainer and a model, I obviously have even an economic stake in how I look. At the same time (as most of you know, ha ha) I am very lazy and don't care much about my clothes, hair etc. I know a woman who works for a non- profit. Her life's work is to do "good" and she does. This woman also has amazing style and looks so put together every time I see her that I think "I need to get a STYLE", take the time to put myself together like that. Of course, the thought is gone in 5 minutes but it was there.
If you think back on the times in your life that you were the happiest about yourself, most likely you spent very little time thinking about it and very little time looking in the mirror fussing with your clothes, hair, etc. What I have noticed over the years is that when we are UNHAPPY with what we look like, we tend to spend a LOT of time thinking about it. It invades our consciousness like cancer. The energy that we could be spending DOING good gets sucked up into our insecurities and our obsessions with "losing 5 lbs". Most often I see this in people who are beautiful on every level (many celebrities in fact) . They have amazing lives and you would never know that underneath it, they have this inner drama. This time consuming, energy sucking, tug of war with doing amazing things and internal "emotional self mutilating". (let's call in TCESESM for short) AH, you recognize this person ? I bet you do.
This has been a strange year for my relationship with my body. Being on massive hormones, being pregnant and then not being pregnant, has made my connection with my body and my self a bumpy road. I was thinking about it a lot. Part of it is that to "work" (modeling and promoting liquid Strength), I have to look good. My economy is directly tied to what I look like. No pressure !!!?
What I have found, is that although most people have jobs that are not directly related to what they look like, they care just as much if not more than I do about just that. There is often a good amount of guilt attached to this. On top of our "time consuming, energy wasting obsessing about our "thinning hair", "stretch marks", "bloated belly" (go on, I am sure you can think of 10 examples yourself) etc "self mutilating" (TCESESM), we get to add feeling GUILTY about the whole thing on top of the pile.
I am giving you (like I have the authority, right?) full permission to officially care what you look like. There, done. You do anyway, right? EVERYONE does. Do your best to get to a place where you are happy enough to STOP thinking about it so you can DO all the good you want to do in your life. I know for me, when Tamar from "Gotham Glow" (who I adore because she makes me laugh like crazy which is therapy in itself) comes to give me a body sculpting spray tan, I am teaching enough Liquid Strength and taking my Amino Vital and eating like I should (for me that means "PUT the brownie down) to be in a "good place" with the outside, I think about it very little. I get SO much done and have new ideas for making life better for anyone I can.
There is a mixture of real work and changes (like "putting the peanut butter jar DOWN" and training well) and also "emotional and behavior training" that will bring us freedom from TCESESM. Do what you can with those real world issues (get to class, go for that run and PUT THE FRENCH FRY DOWN) but also when you feel an attack of TCESESM coming on, push it out of your mind and focus on something else. You get better with time and practice just like Liquid Strength.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Story von Holzhausen's Liquid Strength video promo

Please check it out and pass it on. The video is coming soon!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


I love that at 42, I still learn every day. The most random lessons from friends and what they are going through. From parenting. From people I meet for a moment on the train or in my classes. As you go through life, you meet a LOT of people. As I get older, I am less impressed by most of them. There comes a point in your life, when you truly stop caring if "everybody likes you". It is an amazingly freeing when that happens. This usually happens when you figure out that you don't particularly like everyone either. It's not that you "dislike" them, but more that you begin to look for the quality and the connection that makes the human experience truly special. Time gets shorter as you get older. You have to decide who is really worth staying connected to. There are wonderful people that pass through our lives. Although it seems sad, it is part of the journey. Our days are spent in one location and usually in one routine. The people we spend those days with is somewhat predetermined for us. The very few extra hours you get in your week are precious. Make sure that you are surrounding yourself with people who feed you emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. Make sure that these people are also being fed by YOU.

Story von Holzhausen

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sub dates...........

Wed July 7th:
6:30 am cycle@ Columbus Circle
9:00 cycle @74th and 2nd
10:00 sculpt (liquid strength style) 74th
10:45 abs 74th
12:30 Liquid Strength (as scheduled)
6:30 cycle @ Greenwich

Friday July 9th:
9:15 cycle @92nd

July 14th
6:30 am cycle @Columbus Circle
12:30 Liquid Strength (as scheduled)
July 15th

12:20 cycle @ CC

If You do not have all access, just email me.....

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Every Morning We Get to Start Again

I am loving every new day and happy to be on a path to get to a better place both physically and mentally. I hope all of you feel exactly the same. We get to "start again" every morning no matter what happens and that is awesome in the true sense of the word.

We are going to work HARD this week as always. We will be using heavy bars and weights and feeling every bit of our power and strength. I am hoping to be sore and elated after class. I can't wait to see all of you and get to it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Story von Holzhausen
Liquid Strength

Thursday, June 24, 2010


The gift of love and loving is a great one. When life and people matter to us, we risk the pain of that love. Given the choice, I would endure the agony of loss a thousand times over to feel as wonderfully intensely and passionately as I do.
Kurt and I had some very bad news yesterday. We had identical twins that shared a placenta and a sac. This type of twins is the most dangerous. The cords became twisted and we lost them. There is no way to say that softly and there is no way to endure it gently. It is part of life and part of love. The gift and honor I have of loving and liking my wonderful husband so much is that I have to feel the pain of his pain. Given the alternative, I am grateful for that agony.
Life is not fair and it is not easy but it is a rich tapestry of events that shape us and give us choices. We can learn and grow and hope or we can become angry and bitter. Every day we get to choose our happiness. Some days are harder than others. Just like the pain we go through to strengthen our bodies, so does our soul grow and strengthen.
Thank you for all of your love and support through this journey. The twins were here and real and loved for the short time we had them. They will live always in our hearts and lives. Kurt and I want to move on and "fight the good fight" to have a baby. I will not let fear cripple me. I will take this experience and it will enable me to feel empathy for others and it will teach me that we do not control our lives but that we have to go on this journey with gratitude for every day (not matter what it brings) and do the best we can. Love and grace and joy are not for the weak but for the strong. We have to work very hard to attain them.
All of you have roads with bumps along the way. I applaud your victories and your struggles. Together we will grow and become stronger in our hearts and souls and bodies. Thank you for your thoughts. I can feel them with me and I am awed by the gift.
Story von Holzhausen

Monday, June 21, 2010

life update

Thank you SO much Kathleen for jumping in wed and teaching class. The baby and I are ok. Very scary little episode.......
It was a week for surprises and not good ones. Friday our much beloved dog Snoop started to act strange (he is a 3 year old mini hot dog) and cry if we touched him. He was arching his head back in a strange way too. By morning he was paralyzed from the waist down. His breed has weak spines and this happens to them unfortunately. He had to have surgery and will be in the hospital till wed and then we have to wait and see if he gets better...... It sure makes you stop and think about how lucky we are. It takes a huge injury to have something like that happen to a person. We walk around and feel pretty darn good day to day in our lives with very little gratitude for that fact. Our bodies are miraculous even when we are critical of them. We can express ourselves and move and feel and touch. I for one want to make sure that I do not miss the "gift" in that.......

Today we will be at Simple Studios (134 w 29th I believe) to practice with the video and I will likely teach a little too. We are meeting at 11 and will go for a couple of hours. Any and all are welcome. Thanks Deb for your continued work and passion on this DVD project !!!!
Story von Holzhausen

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Story's Liquid Strength summertime

I have not blogged in SO long !!! It is hard to blog as openly as I usually do when I have been reluctant to talk about the fact that I am pregnant. There I said it. Being pregnant and feeling changes in my body has given me a fresh and insightful perspective into issues of "the body" and feeling comfortable no matter what you physically look like.
Summertime is always a big challenge since we drop down to one class a week only. The good news is that the energy of wed classes has been AMAZING. Such focus and positivity that it is downright addictive. Even the first timers are being swept up into the current.
The big thing I want everyone to focus on during the summer is that small consistent changes yield the biggest and most life altering changes. If you can't make it to class (or since we do not have friday classes till the fall), take 5 minutes and do as many walking lunges as you can and push ups. It is amazing how just those two things can greatly alter your strength and how you feel in your own skin !!!!!
For many of us, the twice a week mental stress relief of Liquid Strength is what is missed most. Take the time (especially when you are really stressed out) to do "full moon cycle" or "open the castle door" and imagine pushing all the things that stress you out away from you. Take a minute at your desk and do our neck stretch with a personal focus into your open palm and let your "mental chatter" calm for a moment. The very real world physical changes that happen in your brain chemistry are amazing.
I want to thank all of you for your support and what you create when you are all together in a room. The fun and joy that we all feel is from YOU. I am so blessed to be able to count all of you as my friends and students. I have the BEST job in the world !!!!
Story von Holzhausen

Friday, May 7, 2010

link to my teaser

Thank you DEB !!! This is the teaser for my upcoming DVD. Remember now, I am a big puffy pregnant lady so I may not be as lean as normal but I sure am HAPPY !!!!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"waddling to a gym near you"!!!!!

Holy estrogen am I a voluptuous chic this week. I have swollen everything and it is GOOD. Not in a long time have I personally connected with the feelings that many of my students and clients feel about not liking their bodies completely. It has been a week to reflect on how much "I really care" about what other people think of my body. I realize at 42 that I care a WHOLE LOT less and I am truly grateful for that.
This week, after my procedure, I spend 2 days in bed or a wheel chair. Rarely have I learned so much about life for people who cannot "step out" of that chair in a couple of days. Very few things make you more grateful for your body and all that it can do (what a luxury to be LAZY and just choose NOT to work out). What if you COULDN"T ????
This week we are going to celebrate our physical strength but working hard and feeling the gift of that possibility. I cannot train hard still but I CAN waddle around and give pointers and see all of you lean strong bodies doing Liquid Strength!!!!!
I will try to be better about blogging. I have been very preoccupied with trying to get pregnant and have slacked off a great deal. This may have worked and it may not have, but I will still be lucky to be healthy and have all of the wonderful people who I love and who love me all around me. I may not be super lean right now or fit into my clothes but NOBODY loves me less for it. You know what is REALLY cool ??? The same is true for each of you !!!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

this week for Liquid Strength

I am LOVING how hard everyone is working. This week we only have wed. so we are going to be focusing very hard. What I want from all of you is to give the best QUALITY of work you can give. The harder you can work just TWICE a week, the more we can really change how you feel in your body.
It has been a very interesting month for me with all my hormone funks. I have learned a lot about how to let the attachment to what my body looks like go. The reality is that feeling strong and attached and confident is what it is all about. I see those changes in all of you and it is inspiring.
Being capable and strong and sexy is all about what YOU think of YOU. Nobody else's opinion really matters. That confidence radiates to everyone around you and to you too. It is a happy and positive energy. It is already there inside of you just waiting for you to notice.

Story von Holzhausen

Monday, April 19, 2010


I have noticed with myself and my clients and even my children, that when a person makes a tiny change for the better and feels GOOD about that change, it is easier to keep making them. Sometimes I think that the path to greatness is really just the gentle veer of the path you are already on. So simple and so small that you barely notice the change but over the long haul, it matters. It really matters. That change can be being nice to a total stranger when you really feel grumpy or simply NOT reacting to someone who is a grump to you. Those little choices tell you something about yourself. They tell you that you are powerful. Your actions have echos throughout the days of everyone you chance to meet.
Even more powerful are the effects on YOUR life. When you do something that you know is right or good for you, you are telling yourself that you are important to YOU. You have a sense of "accomplishment" or respect for your own actions. That feeling inspires a chain reaction to make better choices more often. It can lead to really liking the person you are TODAY. It can make it easier to be someone you are happy to be tomorrow.

Friday, April 9, 2010

getting back in the groove of Liquid Strength

The last couple weeks have been intense. In and out of class. I am always amazed at just how much I learn from NOT getting what I want. Being grateful and "in a good place" is only really worth something when you have to find it in yourself. That ability gets stronger every year just like my muscles. THAT makes me grateful.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

liquid strength subbing tomorrow

I am subbing a 45 min class tomorrow (yes, you can do a DOUBLE !!) @ 10:00 on 74th and 2nd

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Did not work....but see you in class tomorrow !!!!

liquid strength into SPRING.....

Hello everyone. I must apologize for the LONG duration between posts. I have been a bit obsessed with my own things (most of you know what I am talking about and let's just say that it is not looking good at this point) lately. I have missed my "connecting" with all of you. Sometimes, when we are a little sad, it is very easy to pull away and "dis" connect with everyone around us. That seems to be the normal reaction. Unfortunately, it is at those times that our connections are the BEST for us and the most important.
I am both looking forward to and dreading tomorrow. I am so swollen from my meds that I feel awful. THIS is when I need to practice what I preach and find my "good". I know that with Liquid Strength, I will be back to my usual warrior self in no time. I just need to give it time. That is so hard isn't it ? We all want it NOW.
The work and level of classes (in SO many ways) is mind blowing right now. I find it vital that my more experienced people are closest to me so that I do not get caught up (like you know I do!) in working with the new students to have "perfect form". They will get it eventually and I want the class to move forward like it has been doing. I just LOVE that I can call out the names of the cycles and everyone knows what they mean !!!!! We have a FULL week this week and I plan on using it wisely and getting the MOST out of class !!!!!!

Story von Holzhausen