Saturday, July 31, 2010

Definition of Fitness

It has been a while since I had to lose weight.( I am very grateful that Liquid Strength was "given" to me as it made that whole battle a thing of the past.) Since I have had to lose "baby weight" this month, I have again become aware of just HOW well Liquid Strength works.
I did a phone interview with a writer who is doing a story on why Manhattan women are thinner than the national average. It was amazing talking to her. I have worked for so many years in this field that I thought everyone knew what I did. Evidently, that is not the case. I wanted to explain the basic science behind exercise. It will help you to understand the goals and gains of different types of training.
Let me first explain what the term "fitness" means. The American Council of Exercise defines fitness as:
1) Muscle strength
2) Muscle endurance
3) body composition
4) cardiovascular capability
5) flexibility

Basically, we need to have enough strength to move our bodies around and perform our daily duties. We need muscle endurance to be able to maintain the tasks we do (for an athlete that can mean running a marathon for a non athlete it can mean holding up your end of the couch you are moving so you don't drop it on your foot). Body composition is the ratio of "lean body mass" (your lean muscle tissue and your bone density) to body fat. Cardiovascular capability is pretty straight forward. Flexibility is really about the"range of motion" we have (are you able to reach up to get that bowl on the top shelf?)

Muscle Strength: There are different methods for gaining muscle strength. Muscle can be gained from repeated activities (this would fall into the "high rep" kind of training) or by overloading the muscle with weight training. Overload can also happen in daily life when you lift or push against a force and you get muscle soreness from the activity. Muscle can also be gained by explosive movement which we call in the fitness world "plyometrics" (Think about jumping as hard and high as you can and landing in a squat and jumping again).
When we lift weights , do walking lunges or do explosive movements, we get sore. The science behind getting sore is that you have made tiny tears in the muscle fibers. Fluids flood the muscle and the muscle swells causing a temporary enlargement of the muscle. The body then uses amino acids (building blocks from protein which is what your body is made of) to repair the damage and rebuild the muscle to be stronger by adding muscle fiber (everyone always asks what is in my water bottle when I teach. Amino Vital is my choice for amino acid supplementation because the chemistry behind it is perfect for muscle recovery). This allows your body to survive and function in an adapting environment (if you had to overpower other animals to eat in order to survive, your body needs to evolve and change to meet that need). I highly doubt any of us are wrestling bison in the Stop and Shop but it wasn't that long ago that dinner was much harder to come by.
Only in recent years have we come to understand how important adding lean muscle mass to our bodies is. Your metabolism is basically the measure of your lean body mass which is comprised of muscle, sinew and bone. As we age, our metabolism slows down because we lose muscle mass and bone mass.
The beauty of strength training is that it adds muscle mass and bone mass. Calcium is the building block for bone. Weight bearing exercise enables the calcium to be "packed" into the bone. Basically, we can halt the effects of aging on our bodies but doing strength training. Every pound of muscle burns close to 50 extra calories a day. If we can add 10 lbs of muscle, we basically can burn 500 calories a day doing nothing more than walking around, sleeping and eating.
As an athlete, a stronger body means better performance and even less risk of injury because your body has a natural "brace" and support system. The more variety we can add in our strength training (using functional training and varying the exercises), the more quality muscle and strength we gain. This is why Liquid Strength is so effective. We constantly vary the range of motion, speed and weight load.

Muscle endurance means the ability to "endure" or maintain a given movement for a duration. The ability for a runner to run a marathon is different from a runner doing a short sprint. The body types of these two athletes looks different and the muscle fibers that they have are different. To be truly "fit" we want to find the balance of both kinds of muscle fibers. Fast and slow twitch. In order to train our bodies to have both muscle strength and muscle endurance, we have to vary our training. Higher "rep" movements with lighter weights or no weights at all help the body to build muscle endurance. Muscle endurance is vital to be able to train for longer periods of time and do many activities (cross country ski, play a whole game of tennis, cycling etc.).
In Liquid Strength we work on muscle endurance and muscle strength. The blend of both types of training yields a strong and more elongated line.

Body Composition is the ratio of lean body mass to body fat. Although BMI (body mass index) is a good and easy ball park figure for non athletes, it is a very poor measure for anyone who is muscular at all. The best way to get a true measure of body composition is to test for body fat. This can be done with calipers that measure the subcutaneous fat at the arm, waist and leg (locations vary from device to device and for men and women) or with scales or handheld "body fat" scanners. These devices can give an idea but are reliant on hydration levels also so they can are not completely accurate. The only way to get a true body fat reading (mainly because we store fat in our muscles and under our muscles too) is under water weighing. This is an expensive and hard to find service. I believe a very well trained professional and a good pair of calipers is the most realistic and accurate choice for most people. The scale is a very poor measure of your fitness if you are doing any kind of strength training.

Cardiovascular capability is basically the measure of the how well your heart and lungs (and the delivery system of oxygen to your muscles) perform. To make this as simple as possible (there are a lot of complicated and very scientific elements to this), it is "how winded" you are when you perform at activity/sport. This is measure of heart health and it is important.

Flexibility is the most straight forward of the "elements of fitness" but what we are finding is that the measure of "range of motion" is actually more important than simple flexibility. The difference between them is: flexibility is the measure of how far your muscles and ligaments will lengthen passively (without using your muscles) such as pulling your arm behind your head in a stretch versus how far you are able to reach behind your head.
Our range of motion and flexibility decrease as we age so doing stretch class and yoga classes and strength training that explore a wider range of motion are really important to keeping your body young and healthy.

Story von Holzhausen

Friday, July 30, 2010

The grass is green here too.

I find it fascinating how we seem to believe that other people are much happier than we are. If we are single, we envy the married couple or the new baby. If we are married, we wonder "what if" and we envy the freedom and time that our single friends have. If we have a big high power career or work very publicly, we crave the "leave your work AT work" and "privacy" of those who have different types of jobs. The curly haired want straight. The long legged want the tiny get the idea.
Working so many years with so many different kinds of people, I have learned a lot. Every day I learn a little more and realize just how little I know. EVERYONE has things they love about their lives. EVERYONE has things that make them miserable. The most amazing life on the outside does not feel that way from the inside. It takes hindsight to see this most often in our own lives. When your situation changes, you realize how lucky you were and that you never got to "enjoy it" because you were so focused on the things you WANTED.
It is vital that we at least TRY to change this is in our lives. I have been working hard on this lately. Mostly because I have friends who I am talking to on a daily basis and SEEING this phenomenon in action. Take a GOOD look at your life. Take a GOOD look at those you see as "having everything". You will see parts of their lives that they would trade you for in a heartbeat. When you get "all you ever wanted", you may be floored by the fact that you are not happy with it.
Look at your life with new eyes. What are the things that someone else would say "WOW, you are so lucky" about. Let me give you an example:

The single person: (this is easy for me so it's the longest list ha ha)
Having the choice to do whatever I like during my free time and never needing to "ask permission" or get a sitter. Sitting quietly and reading or going and doing ANYTHING I want. My career is what I make of it and has no limits. If I was offered an amazing job opportunity in China I could go there tomorrow. Could go on tour or join the circus. If someone has extra tickets, I can spontaniously go to any event at any time I want to. Can cook an amazing dinner or not. Clean my house or not. I can do everything on my to do list. I can work out whenever I want to.

The married person:
I love my children and family. They love me. I am never bored. The things I am working on are long lasting and the energy I put into them yield quality things.

I could do this list for:
The beautiful people: there is a lot of envy/ hate out there that you have to overcome before you even open up your mouth.

The famous:I am not free to come and go as I please and just people watch or be normal. I never know if I am loved for me or my fame.

The wealthy (this one is harder): I don't get the thrill of going places or getting gifts like when they weren't so easy to come by. Are my friends real or are they free loaders. There is nothing to aspire to or work to earn. I have no goals or dreams.

The whole point is that we are lucky. There are a million reasons why. The more we can try to focus on those things, the happier our lives will be. It is SO much easier to exercise and eat right when we are happy than when we are miserable. What if the choice was ours to make ?? Well, it is.

Story von Holzhausen
Liquid Strength

Thursday, July 29, 2010

10 great things about getting older

1) Realizing that "nobody really cares that much about you, what you are doing, not doing or what you look like etc. etc.
2) Playing trivial pursuit with younger people.
3) The ability to laugh (really hard) at yourself.
4) (this is a weird one) Being able to hear and understand song lyrics much more clearly.
5) Noticing and appreciating little things like a cool breeze in the heat, a good soundtrack DURING the movie, actually getting REAL mail.
6) Having "sight" instead of hindsight.
7) The ability to have "fun" doing nothing (remember the agony of boredom????)
8) Enjoying the result of "chores". (you HAD to clean when you were younger but it never felt so GOOD when you admired your work)
9) Actually LIKING family reunions.
10) WANTING to go to bed.

Story von Holzhausen

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Liquid Strength fix for TCESESM

I have decided to start blogging about the small stuff. The things that come up (or I learn) in daily life. When it comes right down to it, that is what the whole point of life is right ? It has been a strange year. So many people really effected by the economy. You can feel how the "bling" nation has turned into the "green/cost saving" nation. What was cool just a few years ago (lots of flashy, glossy displays of wealth) is completely tacky and "out" now. I personally love that change since I am low on fashion sense and seems a very good thing too as I try to teach my children what matters in life.
There is a balance (and I know a lot of you struggle with this too) between living an evolved and meaningful life and yet still "caring what you look like". I remember my Mom telling me when I was a teenage that "I would still care what I look like when I am 50". I thought she was nuts. Once I am married and "old", that stuff won't matter at all to me (I thought). Yeah, right. I know a lot of very intelligent and giving people who work for multiple charities and causes and are not in the least bit trivial. I do not know ONE person who does not care how they are perceived or "how they look". Hopefully, as we age, we care a lot less about how MOST people perceive us and care more about earning affection, value and respect from the few that really matter.
It seems that what we strive for is to be free of insecurities that take up our time and thoughts so we can focus on what matters to us. Being a trainer and a model, I obviously have even an economic stake in how I look. At the same time (as most of you know, ha ha) I am very lazy and don't care much about my clothes, hair etc. I know a woman who works for a non- profit. Her life's work is to do "good" and she does. This woman also has amazing style and looks so put together every time I see her that I think "I need to get a STYLE", take the time to put myself together like that. Of course, the thought is gone in 5 minutes but it was there.
If you think back on the times in your life that you were the happiest about yourself, most likely you spent very little time thinking about it and very little time looking in the mirror fussing with your clothes, hair, etc. What I have noticed over the years is that when we are UNHAPPY with what we look like, we tend to spend a LOT of time thinking about it. It invades our consciousness like cancer. The energy that we could be spending DOING good gets sucked up into our insecurities and our obsessions with "losing 5 lbs". Most often I see this in people who are beautiful on every level (many celebrities in fact) . They have amazing lives and you would never know that underneath it, they have this inner drama. This time consuming, energy sucking, tug of war with doing amazing things and internal "emotional self mutilating". (let's call in TCESESM for short) AH, you recognize this person ? I bet you do.
This has been a strange year for my relationship with my body. Being on massive hormones, being pregnant and then not being pregnant, has made my connection with my body and my self a bumpy road. I was thinking about it a lot. Part of it is that to "work" (modeling and promoting liquid Strength), I have to look good. My economy is directly tied to what I look like. No pressure !!!?
What I have found, is that although most people have jobs that are not directly related to what they look like, they care just as much if not more than I do about just that. There is often a good amount of guilt attached to this. On top of our "time consuming, energy wasting obsessing about our "thinning hair", "stretch marks", "bloated belly" (go on, I am sure you can think of 10 examples yourself) etc "self mutilating" (TCESESM), we get to add feeling GUILTY about the whole thing on top of the pile.
I am giving you (like I have the authority, right?) full permission to officially care what you look like. There, done. You do anyway, right? EVERYONE does. Do your best to get to a place where you are happy enough to STOP thinking about it so you can DO all the good you want to do in your life. I know for me, when Tamar from "Gotham Glow" (who I adore because she makes me laugh like crazy which is therapy in itself) comes to give me a body sculpting spray tan, I am teaching enough Liquid Strength and taking my Amino Vital and eating like I should (for me that means "PUT the brownie down) to be in a "good place" with the outside, I think about it very little. I get SO much done and have new ideas for making life better for anyone I can.
There is a mixture of real work and changes (like "putting the peanut butter jar DOWN" and training well) and also "emotional and behavior training" that will bring us freedom from TCESESM. Do what you can with those real world issues (get to class, go for that run and PUT THE FRENCH FRY DOWN) but also when you feel an attack of TCESESM coming on, push it out of your mind and focus on something else. You get better with time and practice just like Liquid Strength.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Story von Holzhausen's Liquid Strength video promo

Please check it out and pass it on. The video is coming soon!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


I love that at 42, I still learn every day. The most random lessons from friends and what they are going through. From parenting. From people I meet for a moment on the train or in my classes. As you go through life, you meet a LOT of people. As I get older, I am less impressed by most of them. There comes a point in your life, when you truly stop caring if "everybody likes you". It is an amazingly freeing when that happens. This usually happens when you figure out that you don't particularly like everyone either. It's not that you "dislike" them, but more that you begin to look for the quality and the connection that makes the human experience truly special. Time gets shorter as you get older. You have to decide who is really worth staying connected to. There are wonderful people that pass through our lives. Although it seems sad, it is part of the journey. Our days are spent in one location and usually in one routine. The people we spend those days with is somewhat predetermined for us. The very few extra hours you get in your week are precious. Make sure that you are surrounding yourself with people who feed you emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. Make sure that these people are also being fed by YOU.

Story von Holzhausen

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sub dates...........

Wed July 7th:
6:30 am cycle@ Columbus Circle
9:00 cycle @74th and 2nd
10:00 sculpt (liquid strength style) 74th
10:45 abs 74th
12:30 Liquid Strength (as scheduled)
6:30 cycle @ Greenwich

Friday July 9th:
9:15 cycle @92nd

July 14th
6:30 am cycle @Columbus Circle
12:30 Liquid Strength (as scheduled)
July 15th

12:20 cycle @ CC

If You do not have all access, just email me.....