Thursday, July 29, 2010

10 great things about getting older

1) Realizing that "nobody really cares that much about you, what you are doing, not doing or what you look like etc. etc.
2) Playing trivial pursuit with younger people.
3) The ability to laugh (really hard) at yourself.
4) (this is a weird one) Being able to hear and understand song lyrics much more clearly.
5) Noticing and appreciating little things like a cool breeze in the heat, a good soundtrack DURING the movie, actually getting REAL mail.
6) Having "sight" instead of hindsight.
7) The ability to have "fun" doing nothing (remember the agony of boredom????)
8) Enjoying the result of "chores". (you HAD to clean when you were younger but it never felt so GOOD when you admired your work)
9) Actually LIKING family reunions.
10) WANTING to go to bed.

Story von Holzhausen

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree!! and one I always like - being by myself and being completely comfortable with it! not needing anyone to entertain me or fill up my time with nothingness.
