Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Big Children

It is amazing watching kids as they navigate the social and "political" maze that is "the playground". This is the forum in which they learn all about interaction with their peers. The insecurities and bits of ego are already there but are not yet "steering" their behavior. The whole point of the activity is to have "fun".
As adults, the goals are more complicated. We need to be successful and earn money. We also want to earn respect and esteem from our peers. The years have allowed those bits of insecurity and ego to carve some pretty deep writing on the pages of our lives and have a lot more control over our behavior.
Many times, the more frightened or vulnerable we feel, the more "cocky" and critical we become. We communicate the exact opposite of what we intend. Most prejudice and bias is deeply rooted in fear and insecurity of the unknown and "uncontrollable". It is a lifetime journey to pry our minds open when we want to "control and protect" the most.
If all of us could work on this, there would be a lot less meanness in the world. One of the hardest things in life is to stare down behavior that pushes all of our buttons, makes us cringe and makes us ashamed and embarrassed. The grace of forgiveness for ourselves and from others is a miraculous thing. The potential for growth and understanding from our worst mistakes is something that can be awe inspiring if we allow it to be. If we can face, forgive, learn and love ourselves, others can too.

Story von Holzhausen

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