Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"The Posture Guru" test

Having worked in the fitness and modeling field for many years, It amazes me is how little people think about how they HOLD their bodies (no matter what those bodies look like). Our posture broadcasts for the whole world to see, just what we think of ourselves. If you stand tall, proud and strong, you appear that way (even if you are 4'8" tall). The most amazing body in the world won't look good if you slouch. Bad posture can cause back, hip and neck pain, profoundly age your body, steal your height and bone health. Posture is a "rent to own" arrangement and we get to choose our own. How do you reverse lifelong bad habits and turn things around? Having great posture takes awareness and practice but you can make changes instantly, transform yourself and don't have to wait to see results. Do this simple check to see how you are doing:
1) Facing the mirror, are your shoulders rolled back,dropped down as you lift your chest upward (there should be no crease at chest level)? We call this "Joyous Chest" in Liquid Strength and that is exactly how it makes you look and feel.
2) Are you as long as you can be from your hips to your neck (keeping #1 unchanged !) ?
3) Turning sideways to the mirror, is the back of your head in alignment with the the back of your shoulder blades (are your head and chin forward)?
4) Is your tailbone raised a little until your pelvis is slightly rotated forward with a slight arch in your back (not slouched under) ?

Holding your body correctly, you feel the muscles you must strengthen to improve your posture. The visual difference and how good it makes you feel is huge. If you look at people who work in the public eye vs. photos of ordinary people, you will see a big difference. celebrities and models have honed the skill and strength to hold good posture. It makes them look better in pictures and on film/television and their livelihoods depend on that. Not everyone can be rich, famous and beautiful but they can look and feel just as regal and sexy as anyone on the red carpet. It is never too late to start. Here is a super easy exercise to help you turn back years of bad habits:

1) Stand with your heels almost touching a wall. Roll your shoulder blades back and drop them down until they touch the wall, slightly lower your chin and pull the base of your head against the wall (lengthening the BACK of your neck). Hold this position for 15 seconds, breathe, rest and repeat. If you cannot touch the wall than your goal is to work up to it slowly.

Story von Holzhasuen
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  1. Nice and simple story...I'm gonna give it a whirl!! :)

  2. Hi! Sorry if this sounds like a silly question, but how does one 'pull the base of the head against the wall, lengthening the back of the neck'? Could you post a picture so we can know if we're doing it right? :)
