Wednesday, December 15, 2010


This is the time of year that we believe in miracles. The shimmering memories of childhood are still palpable. Anything could happen.
The promise of magic is still there just waiting for us to believe. The connection between our minds and our bodies is still a mystery. Many people believe there is a very powerful and literal connection. Many body builders subscribe to the belief that by sheer focus, they are able to alter parts of their body. In fact, entire religions are based on the ability to "heal" through faith.
When I created Liquid Strength, it was during a time of great stress and personal difficulty. I was not feeling good on many levels. My body image was horrible and I found that the lack of joy in life and about "me" went hand in hand.
I will always be grateful for the parts of my life that nearly killed me. Every childhood agony helped teach me that joy and love were only in my life if I brought them. No amount of abuse could "make" me lose my hope or my desire to do and be "good". There was and is a tremendous power in that.
As adults, we bring that abuse to ourselves. We stand in the mirror and unleash a litany of "mean" on ourselves.
I have trained and taught thousands of people. Some rich, famous and beautiful and some very normal. The most amazing thing is that no matter what the rest of the world sees, every one of these people only get to experience (enjoy or suffer for) what THEY see.
I work with bodies. I know them. How they move. How the proportions tend to be similar in some types and how each "kind" reacts to certain things. Much of what I have come to learn and believe is not yet explained (or even mentioned) by scientists. We may never understand The amazing bodies we live in completely. Especially the effect that "We" as mental/spiritual beings have on the physical manifestation of ourselves.
I completely believe that when a person (this person can be me too) "sees" , feels and believes themselves to be / look strong and great, they do. It sounds like science fiction but it's not. I have seen it hundreds of times. When formerly heavy people start to lose weight and get excited and happy about themselves, that is when the huge changes happen.
The hard part comes when there are not huge changes to make. Most of my student/clients look great. The changes they are after are subtle and small. In some cases, literally ALL of their misery is in their head. Sometimes I wish I could put them behind glass and pull strangers off the street to give their critiques and force them to listen.....
All of us our born with a body. Hopefully it is a fully functioning healthy one. For that alone we have to be profoundly grateful. The few times I have been injured and unable to train, I have realized that there is a huge difference between not being ABLE to train and just not feeling like it.
Some of us have long legs or long torsos. Some of us are tall. There a million subtle differences between all of our bodies. We tend to love whatever it is that we don't have. It is amazing to me how much time, energy and misery humans bring on themselves contemplating their bodies.
If you take a moment and think about anyone you love or maybe even someone you are envious of, can you picture every single inch or shape of their bodies ? No. You don't really care. I have news for you. Nobody cares about the tiny "flaws" in your body either. NOBODY but you.
The minute you decide to be beautiful and "hot" is the moment you are. What makes someone sexy? Mostly it is confidence. Anyone who walks tall and with posture that screams "I am fantastic", is.
Stop reading beauty magazines. Stop reading tabloids that feed on your insecurity and create a nation of jealous and spiteful people waiting to rip apart each other. You are beautiful, sexy, unique and perfect.
What you are attracted to is as unique as you are. There is no "ideal". It is just opinion. We all get to decide if we are beautiful. I can tell you this, anyone who feels good about themselves is NOT vain. They are happy. They are free to be generous with their compliments and not threatened by beauty around them. They are joyful and have time and energy to think and do truly important things. "Vanity" is when a person (this happens a lot with celebrities) does not really believe in themselves or feel good about who they are but throws attitude around.
There is a story about Marilyn Monroe I love. She was walking with a friend down a busy street and nobody recognized or noticed her. She turned to her friend as said "Want to see me become "her"?" She suddenly changed her internal attitude and suddenly EVERYONE recognized her and mobbed her.
Today I want you to do that. I want you have all the confidence, joy and fun that you would have if you allowed yourself to believe that you looked "perfect" (whatever that means). I want you to fake it if you need to and see how it feels.
I have come to believe that if you can do this, you can change your physical body and more importantly, change your life.
Story von Holzhausen

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