Sunday, February 14, 2010

just went shopping.....

My fridge is full of great stuff. Kurt is doing the challenge with me so we shopped together. We got:
apples (Jazz and Granny smith)
hummus (kurt likes to dip baby carrots)
Edy's no sugar added fruit pops. These are SO good with real fruit bits. I got all the flavors.
frozen precooked wintersquash (I love this for a warm snack with cinnamon)

I will go back later to get some fish and veggies for dinner. The challenge does not start till tomorrow but I am starting today. I can't wait to feel great !

Would love shopping ideas from some of you. What are you planning to snack on and what nutrient rich things can you sneak into your day ?


  1. I have been following your eating guidelines with great results. I fill up on a spinach salad or steamed broccoli before I eat meat and this has helped me a lot. I think I used to eat too much meat and too little vegetables. So happy to hear that you are going to do a DVD. I have been doing strength training only three times a week and my body is very happy. Lots of walking lunges and squats with some of the liquid strength moves that I can remember. I would like your opinion on kettlebells. Do you think they are a useful tool or do you think they make the risk of injury too high?

  2. Lila, I think that Kettle bells can be used in a way that are useful in training. I have some wrist issues so I find that weights are a better choice for me. It is really about how you liftrather than what the weights look like. Kettle bells are just weights shaped differently. I am so glad you are eating well and finding it helpful. I appreciate your comments and would like you to keep them coming !!
