Sunday, February 14, 2010

Story von Holzhausen's 6 week challenge starts tomorrow

Hello everyone ! Yesterday I had some "treats before the challenge". I am so swollen and wretched feeling today that I have to say, I am EXCITED to start this. I will be blogging every day to inspire you and check in. I invite you to reach out to me here on the blog or privately. The more support and unity we can create, the better experience we will all have. Go shopping today and fill your fridges with wonderfully diverse and healthy foods. Make it easy to eat exactly what you choose to. I will be giving some ideas about meals and snacks. If you can all post what you are doing, it would help everyone else too !!!!
This week we are working really hard. I want to keep the "focus" of the quality work we have been doing while freeing up the movements to be more free flowing and diverse. We have 6 weeks. We can do this together. We can take the BEST care of ourselves possible. I want you to think about these weeks as a treat to yourself. Like a spa 6 week run. Do all sorts of things good for you that you normally neglect. The more we can make our attitude grateful and nurturing the better. This is not a diet. It is not about punishing or "not allowing" anything. It is about feeding and nourishing our bodies, minds and souls the most lovingly and gratefully we can. I want you to explore your own beliefs and what moves you. Get back in touch with what really feeds your soul. Reach out to the people who love you and give you what you truly need. If you are lonely, call someone (call me). Don't "settle" for food when you really need something much deeper and important. Listen to your bodies, your hearts and minds. Learn about yourself and learn to love who you are. This is a time for all of us to grow and become more evolved and truly happy people. What an exciting gift we are giving ourselves and everyone we love.

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