Monday, February 8, 2010

Food list for Liquid Strength 6 week challenge

There are endless foods in the world. I am going to write a list including most of the more common choices. This list will be broken down into "the dream foods" (these being foods that I wish everyone ate daily/weekly and are the very best for you and you can eat quite freely). "fantastic portions" (the foods are super good for you but you want to eat a them in smaller portions as they are nutrient dense and although I want you to eat them, I would like one portion at a time). Lastly, we will have "in moderation". These are foods that I would prefer are not eaten daily but have a place in our diet and should be thoroughly enjoyed when eaten. Remember, the most important thing is that you learn to taste and enjoy really good quality food in it's natural form. This is not about dieting. In fact, you may be eating more than you usually do and that is GOOD !!!! For my 6 week challenge, I invite you to use this list as your absolute bible of food. There may be some foods I forgot and as you ask me about them (which I know you will) I will be amending...

"The Dream Foods"

broccoli (any form or type)
blueberries (any berries but these are the best)
onions and garlic
any and all salad or steamed greens (seaweed too)
beans (the non legume kind)
squash (summer types)
fresh herbs of any kind
all citrus fruits
all melons (watermelon on the next list)
Apples and pears
all fruits with a pit
any sprouts

"Fantastic Portions" (* means eaten daily but in the correct portions)

*fish (all kinds that are mercury low this means Salmon and most flakey smaller fish)
Lean organic chicken and turkey
*nuts and seeds of any kind
carrots, peas and winter squash
*low or no fat dairy
tofu (read labels and get the most protein you can with the least amount of fats and carbs)
eggs (organic and Omega3 rich is best)
winter squash
tea and coffee (green tea being the best!)
peas and corn and beets
Olive oil (any other healthy oil you like)

"In Moderation"
grapes (so much sugar for very little nutrients)
wine and beer (hard alcohol not good)
chocolate (the darker the better and small portions)
fuller fat dairy (try your hardest to do low fat or keep very small portions)
lean completely organic red meat (if you love it and must eat it, make sure you know exactly what you are eating !!!)

* (note you do not see whole grains on any list. While brown rice and whole grains can be healthy options, fruit and veggies are also carbs but are so much more nutrient and fiber dense that I would prefer they are your focus. If you need to use some whole grains to "feel satisfied" I would prefer grains other than wheat as many people are sensitive to gluten)

"The NO WAY list" (listen, I know these are things you may really love but the more you get out of the habit and lose your "taste" for these things the better...this is a process. There are NO reasons besides bad habit and taste that make these foods an issue at all. They have NO value to your body whatsoever.

Hard Liquor
Salt (the lower the better)
Processed food (canned, boxed etc)
Whole milk

1 comment:

  1. I thought of an exercise that have done when Story was talking about loving ourselves today. Think of someone in your life that you love with all of your heart and soul. How much you could tell me of this love. Now look in the mirror. Tell yourself with the same passion "I love you _______(your name)" repeat it with meaning several times. This is very difficult for me to do. It often makes me cry but each time I believe myself a little more.
