Monday, February 22, 2010

Week 2 of Story von Holzhausen's 6 week Challenge

I was talking to a few people over the weekend and week. There was so "panic" about having "started or not started" the 6 week challenge. I want to step back and make this very clear. This is not a huge diet or sudden shift in our lifestyle. This is a time of awareness and a time to joyfully take care of our bodies. If we make it stressful and rigid than the whole point is lost. This is about taking the time to MAKE ourselves a dinner we will love. Take the time to buy and cook and pack etc. the fuel we love and really want for ourselves. It is a time to take care of your skin, your teeth and most importantly, your sense of self. 6 weeks to make yourself a priority and feel good about it. For myself, this is about an attitude change. Choosing to love yourself and be proud of all you do and CAN DO. All of the other struggles and issues really come from not taking care of ourselves. Not having time to do for ourselves what we do for everyone else. Beating ourselves up for not "dieting" and making food the enemy instead of loving every bite and feeding ourselves with joy. The older I get, the more of a foodie I become. I love to grow and cook and explore food. I have no interest in "junk food. It does not taste good and it is not what I want to feed my children or myself. Give yourself permission to eat whatever you want whenever you want it. Take the power out of "forbidden" and you will likely find the food you are most "afraid" of just isn't that good. The temptation comes from the power YOU give it.
I am going to be giving some helpful hints and tricks to eating what you WANT to eat when you are ordering out or dining out:

1) There is a full kitchen and an entire menu NOT on the menu. Most places are very aware of special diets and ways to alternatively cook food without losing taste.
2) If you are very friendly about it (and tip accordingly) you can order off the menu (or greatly alter the choices). I always ask for veggies instead of starches. I look at what the specials are and see what veggies are being offered because I know they have plenty and it is fresh. You can ask for food cooked how you like it. You can ask for no butter only olive oil on ANY dish you wish.
3) Any entree can be cooked without sauce and the sauce can be served on the side. If you dip the prongs of your fork into the sauce, you can get the taste of the sauce without consuming vast amounts of fat and salt. Ask that the bread not be on the table. If you are going to eat bread, ask for whole wheat and olive oil.
4) Lemon tastes good on everything. It lessens the need for salt and works to counteract carcinogens from charring. It also gives you vitamin C. Use it generously.
5) Order fish whenever possible. Ask for less salt on your food. Take a break every few bites and slow down your eating. Enjoy the taste of GOOD food and feel great about what you are eating.

I will be getting specific for various types of places and the best choices in ordering later this week. I want all of you to be training with specific goals in mind these next 5 weeks. Get excited about seeing each other in class and watching the changes in our bodies and our attitudes.
I can't wait to see you all wed. This is my favorite time of year. I get to see you all change before my eyes. I am inspired and proud and moved by all of you. The friendship and support we have in classes or a miracle. In NYC you can live a lifetime and never feel like there is an entire room of people who are cheering for you and believing in you. These weeks are a time of celebration and joy.

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