I got an email that I wanted to answer to all of you as I think it will benefit everyone. I know that there are a lot of of theories and myths about certain foods being eaten together or alone. Certain times you should eat etc. Many of these theories are not proven and are just a way to sell books and diets. When you put gas in your car, you drive a set amount of miles to burn a set amount of fuel. Your body is very similar. The reason why eating a lot at night is not a good idea (and I do not believe that food is then stored as "fat" and it certainly has never been proven by science) is that you do not sleep well when your body has to digest a big meal. Sleep is the time that your body needs to heal and repair and produce human growth hormone (which heals and repairs and makes us grow when we are younger). I personally get acid reflux in my sinus cavities and I snore and feel exhausted the next day (such a pretty picture huh?).
As far as foods needing to be eaten alone or together, that is just myth. Your body needs a steady stream of fats (healthy) ,protein and carbs to be fueled properly and function well. For a more muscular person and if you are trying to build muscle, you may want more protein than someone who is not training.
You will find that you feel better when you fuel yourself well throughout the day. I personally feel (and it has been proven by science) that we naturally have days where we eat more and days where we eat less. This is called in science "alternate day fasting" (which is a misleading name as you are never really fasting but your caloric intake changes on certain days). Our appetites naturally vary from day to day and when we "listen to our bodies" we will eat very naturally in this fashion. It is believed (and proven by science) that this helps our metabolism to stay higher as our bodies do not slow down our metabolism thinking that we are short on food.
The list of foods that I gave below in this blog is the list I want you to eat from every day. Change it up and explore. Be active and move around for the joy of it. Try new flavors and try very hard to not obsess about "dieting" as that will bring you further away from a healthy relationship with food. Food is a blessing and a wonderful and enjoyable thing in our lives. When we open ourselves up to it instead of trying to "control" our relationship with food, we can get back to trusting ourselves and enjoying our lives so much more.
I have heard from many of you regarding "numbers". This is the obsessive counting of calories, pounds, calories burned, etc. The biggest part of my challenge is to forget all of that. Chances are you have been doing that for years and it is not working for you. You simply get more obsessed and focused on those stupid numbers (I ate 2 cups of veggies etc). I never count or weigh anything. I choose really healthy foods and I eat them. I give myself time between bites and rest half way through to give myself time to process that I just ate and then I eat till I am satisfied. I will pick up a yummy sweet (trying to make it quality) and I will eat a small portion for dessert. It is that simple. The more you make it that simple, the more you leave the "Bridget Jones' Diary" type life alone. We are all so capable and strong and every day we are making huge gains in strength and focus and confidence. Let that fill your day. Take some time to feel how good your body feels when you put your groceries away and pass people by on the subway stairs. IT ROCKS and so do YOU !!!
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