Monday, March 1, 2010

Liquid Strength

Yesterday I subbed a class at Greenwich Ave and it was the most delightful class I have ever subbed in my life. They did amazingly well and to a man completely understood and connected with Liquid Strength. I want to thank my regulars who came and helped the energy of the room so much.
As many of you know, we are doing the video shortly. There has been a lot happening lately (I always tell Kurt that there is a kind of "magic" happening with all of you that feels completely different and feels like we are on the verge of something huge). I am considering renting a space and growing the program to a higher level. As a few of you know, there are 3 different type of classes that go under the "Story Method" heading:

1) Liquid Strength (this is the type of class where we use very broad movement cycles and combine them)
2) Story Method Mat (we have done some of these movements in class)
3) Fundamentals (we do this method when we work on holding our connection to the "work" and moving very minimally)

So many of you are sharing your stories about the changes in your lives that are happening as you change your attitudes about your "selves" and make very real and difficult changes in your lives. I invite you to share your experiences with each other (if you get really brave you can even post them here !!!). I am looking forward to the future and the amazing things we will do. Please give me feedback on where you would like a studio to be and if you are interested in other time slots and classes being offered. Thank you for your amazing energy and inspiration.

Story von Holzhausen

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes learning comes in the most unexpected of places. Like at a wedding.

    This past weekend I flew down to Atlanta for 24 hours for a friend's wedding. On the flight down I was reading a book of Buddhist philosophy called "The Places that Scare You". One of the points in the book is that when we are generous and giving to others, we must be equally as giving and generous with ourselves. I read that and thought, "Yeah, I do that." Then I got to the wedding.

    I thought the bride was gorgeous. I hated my hair and rued having forgotten my control-top stockings.

    I got to the buffet table. It was a Southern food orgy with such selections as caramelized bacon and three separate kinds of wedding cake. I watched the guests pile their plates high, and immediately began beating myself up for wanting to try these foods that are so bad for my body.

    Those of you who have read my posts before know that my challenge for these six weeks is to think and speak better of myself and to have my food choices reflect that positive self-view. Caramelized bacon gave me the perfect opportunity to indulge in one of my favorite pre-challenge activities: Beating myself up. My butt was already jiggling without the super-lycraed stockings, why not just make it worse by eating the bacon, too?

    And then I remembered what I read on my flight there. I had been generous and kind to everyone I met at the wedding, but there I was being just awful to myself.

    I filled my plate with mostly healthy choices (lots of fruits and grilled veggies) and a few tastes of the Southern heart-stopping delicacies. (I mean, caramelized bacon?! I was so curious!) Trying different foods that aren't good for my body don't make me a terrible person. They give me a bit of a food hang-over the next morning, but I am learning they are not a reflection of my self-worth.

    Who knew a wedding could be so educational?
