Wednesday, March 3, 2010

in the midst of things

It is a rainy day today. I know my favorite part of it will be class today. We are going to be doing NO weights. I want to really focus on putting the very most into every single move. Instead of moving with the thought of "how many", I want us to do every single move just in the moment and if it is the ONLY one we are ever going to do. We are going to work on truly being present in our bodies and in the room today. I want you to get out of every second the most that you can. There is no room for any thoughts outside of the RIGHT NOW in a class like today's. We are going for a moving meditation where we feel and really love the power of our bodies and how they move.
You will know by how sore you are how much you are achieving the deeper levels of Liquid Strength. You will know and feel if you are really IN your body or in your "chatter". Today is a very hard physical challenge but ONLY if you are able to achieve the inward challenge of intention and connection.

Story von Holzhausen

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