Thursday, March 18, 2010

Beauty.......Liquid Strength style

This blog entry is a long time coming. There is an ugly secret that we humans have. We (most of America anyway) love to see those we admire (envy) fail. There is such a fascination and obsession with "beauty". We seek it at any cost. We also punish and hate those who "have" it. we spend a lot of money and time trying to be "beautiful" but when/we you are, people will judge you or dislike you for it. You may spend half of your time trying to be beautiful and then the other half constantly atoning for it.

It is natural and normal to want to feel great about yourself. One thing I learned along the way is that no matter what I look like, it does not change how happy I am. Some people will not like me either way. I can never make everyone like me. I have learned that it is none of my business if they do. If I know I am being the best person I can be every day. If I am happy and true to myself and my beliefs, and I like who I am, that is all that matters. If a person does not like me, it is most likely nothing to do with me. They have their own insecurities and issues on any given day. I can wish them well but it is NONE of my business. My daughter is 9 and I can see it happening to her already. She is a beautiful little girl. She goes OUT of her way to wear a black tattered bandana and dress as "unpretty" as she can. Girls are nicer to her that way. It is so silly.

How did we get here as women? Why are not "on each other's sides"?

One of the things I love about all of you, my wonderful students and clients, is that you are NOT like that. We have a choice in what we decide to call "success". If I ask most of people who are DESPERATE to lose 10lbs, if they were ever 10lbs less, and they were, I always ask "Were you that much happier in your LIFE"? The answer is always "But I LOVED my body". That is not the question. "Were you happier in your life or with yourself"? The answer is usually NO. The dieting and wretchedness of a consuming obsession with their bodies usually made them pretty miserable and their lives did not miraculously change having other women envy them.. (shocker huh?)
I believe that we have to get to like ourselves NOW. We have to look at what our bodies can do and how good they feel. Think about how wonderful a back rub feels. Think about how wonderful it is to feel your skin against someone you love or even a pet your love. That amazing feeling of "the cuddle". You can thank your body for that amazing gift. When you step back and really think about it, you can't even SEE what you look like unless you look in a mirror. You spend MOST of your time (I hope anyway) nowhere near a mirror. If you "dig" what you are about and what you do in your day (and who you spend it with), who really cares what you look like. NOBODY who loves you does. If you were gorgeous, you would have more people wishing bad things on you and not liking you anyway.
I want to take great care of myself. I want to look my best but not because it really matters what strangers think of me. There is a certain amount of self respect you get from taking care of yourself. It shows respect of YOU. When you start to believe that losing 5 lbs will make you HAPPIER though, really think about it. It changes nothing. Most people are far too busy obsessing about their own junk to even notice your weight. If you are healthy and happy and able, that is a gift.
Take some time and put it all in perspective. When it stops being such a THING in your life, it is much easier to eat well and take care of yourself simply because you respect and like yourself. THAT my friends will bring you happiness.

I am destroyed from wed's class. I mean ridiculous ! We will be doing a lot of upper body and core. The lower body will be about movement and stretching. I will be giving students who were NOT in wed's class some other work to do while we are in abs (they will be doing the arm moves from the "home" position.

Story von Holzhausen

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