Thursday, January 8, 2009

tid bits of information

As promised, I am going to summarize some information I have read lately that I found interesting and that I think will be to you too:

1) Using a vinyl shower curtain may expose you to toxins. (phthalates can effect hormone levels).

2) regular consumption of green tea, brussels sprouts, beans and onions may lower a smoker's risk of lung cancer.(UCLA

3)Skipping meals may lead to health problems (Swedish study found that people who regularly consumed 3 meals a day were 37% less likely, on average, to develop metabolic syndrome)

4)Mix olive oil with tomato peels and you get the most lycopene out of the fruit.

5)A 5 year Danish study found men who averaged one alcoholic drink a day were 18% less likely to see waistline increases than those who did not indulge. ("Moderate drinking may stimulate a metabolic process that breaks down alcohol and produces heat,which could increase your calorie burn")

6) Thinking about the benefits of exercise isn't as motivational as thinking about specific actions that would make exercise more doable. "Imagining being active triggers positive and realistic steps"
"I'll listen to music or a book while I work out"
"I'll make exercise interesting by choosing a treadmill with a good view"
"I'll take Story's class"

7) 79% of people do not life weights at least twice a week.

8) A Cornell study found people who use "external cues" to know when to stop eating, are much more likely to be overweight. (external cues: plate is clean, t.v show is over, everyone else is done). It takes 20 minutes for your body to register that you have eaten.  If you sit down to a set table, take breaths between bits and chew and savor your food, you will give your body the chance to register your food intake.

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