Thursday, March 19, 2009

Friday class

I am sore. I am sore perfectly. From what I have heard from you guys, you are too. Tomorrow's class is going to be with mid weights (I will be using 5lbs). We will be doing some larger cycles with movement but for shorter durations and we will be stringing those cycles together.

As far as the challenge goes, I have looked at many goals and food diary write ups. The biggest thing I have noticed (especially with one from yesterday) is that all of you need to work on having a positive attitude towards yourselves. You would never speak so harshly about another person like you do about your own bodies. You are harsh and down right mean about yourselves. (not all of you but you know exactly what I am talking about as we all do it)
"I am gross and fat" is not something you should be saying or thinking about yourselves. If you are doing MY CLASS, you are strong and able and focused. I would like all of you to celebrate a bit more what your bodies (and your wills) can do. You need to trust me and this method to work for you. You must be excited and have great attitudes about yourselves for this to work. I firmly believe that when a person says "WOW, I am so strong and I am looking better and better", it is not only far easier to stick to your plans but that your body actually changes to what you believe it to be. The shift of the internal is the hardest one to make. It is the most profound and powerful one to make. What is the difference between a person who feels sexy and believes that they are beautiful and someone who does not ? The ones who BELIEVE that they are.....are. If you hold yourself well and have confidence in who you are and what you are, you are attractive and sexy. Ask yourself this, how many times have you been super attracted to someone you know isn't THAT good looking but you find them GORGEOUS ??? They are confident and comfortable in their own skin. That needs to happen not AFTER you do this 6 week challenge and change your bodies. That has to happen NOW as you are. THEN you will be able to change your bodies.


  1. I saw this in wednesday's NY Times and it looked so healthy! I'm going to make it for dinner as if it helps me get anywhere near Michelle Obama's bicpes, I'm all for it!!

    Eat Your Greens
    If you were intrigued by the White House chef’s creamless creamed spinach — one of Michelle Obama’s favorite healthful foods that Rachel Swarns wrote about — the Well blog suggests one way you can make it. But here’s a recipe from the chef herself, Cristeta Comerford:

    No Cream Creamed Spinach
    Serves 6

    2 pounds baby spinach, washed and cleaned
    2 tablespoons olive oil
    4 shallots, minced
    2 garlic cloves, minced
    Salt and freshly ground pepper.

    1. Blanch half a pound of spinach in salted, boiling water. Immediately, “shock” the blanched spinach in a bowl of iced water. Drain and squeeze out the excess water. Puree in a blender. Set aside.
    2. In a large skillet, sweat the shallots and garlic until translucent. Add the rest of the spinach leaves. Toss and sauté until wilted. Fold in the spinach puree. Season with salt and pepper.

  2. Chris,

    This is a great recipe. I make spinach with garlic all the time and love it! The shallots and garlic add a lot of flavor and 2 lbs of spinach is a sizable amount.

    For those who would like to use a little less effort (although it won't have quite the same texture), just saute the shallots and garlic in the olive oil over medium high heat and then add the spinach. Stir just until wilted. Add salt to taste.

    I made this spinach to accompany one of my favorite salmon dishes which is salmon roasted with shallots, tomatoes, olives with orange zest and rosemary. You can find the recipe at the following link.
    If the plum tomatoes don't look good, buy canned peeled plum tomatoes, drain them and use them.
