Monday, March 23, 2009

Challenge advice for everyone - SUPPLEMENTS

I have been hearing great things from a lot of you. I have also been reading a lot of food journals and have some general advice that I will be logging about later. I wanted to mention (as promised) the supplements I personally take and which have been very well researched:

Fish Oil (the list of benefits from heart health to mood and memory are too long to go into but everyone should take this)

Tonalin (CLA) This is a derived from safflower seeds and has been shown to help the body use fat as a fuel source. Not only is that good news if you are trying to lose weight but if you (like me) are hypoglycemic, it may help you have more stable blood sugar. It is a natural and safe.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin. This supplement is used by doctors and even vets for joint health. As we age, we lose the ability to produce joint lubricating fluids so our bones have more friction when we move. This can cause pain and damage. Some studies have been strong in support and some have shown little effect. I find it either works for you or it does not. I feel a huge difference with this and Kurt feels none. If you have joint fragility issues, try it. I take it with MSM which helps your body absorb it.

I shop in the Vitamin Shoppe. Their store brands are reasonable and proven and they have great sales. No matter what brand you use, read labels and make sure they are potent enough and that they are not expired. I take 3 of each of the above daily and it works for me. You can contact me with questions and as always, research and listen to your body and your doctor.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing such wonderful post. I feel Glucosamine is the best supplement, I too have being using this supplement from long time.
