Hello everyone. I must apologize for the LONG duration between posts. I have been a bit obsessed with my own things (most of you know what I am talking about and let's just say that it is not looking good at this point) lately. I have missed my "connecting" with all of you. Sometimes, when we are a little sad, it is very easy to pull away and "dis" connect with everyone around us. That seems to be the normal reaction. Unfortunately, it is at those times that our connections are the BEST for us and the most important.
I am both looking forward to and dreading tomorrow. I am so swollen from my meds that I feel awful. THIS is when I need to practice what I preach and find my "good". I know that with Liquid Strength, I will be back to my usual warrior self in no time. I just need to give it time. That is so hard isn't it ? We all want it NOW.
The work and level of classes (in SO many ways) is mind blowing right now. I find it vital that my more experienced people are closest to me so that I do not get caught up (like you know I do!) in working with the new students to have "perfect form". They will get it eventually and I want the class to move forward like it has been doing. I just LOVE that I can call out the names of the cycles and everyone knows what they mean !!!!! We have a FULL week this week and I plan on using it wisely and getting the MOST out of class !!!!!!
Story von Holzhausen