Thursday, November 25, 2010


Yesterday I had everyone focus on gratitude. We all know we should do this more often. The things we have in our lives that we barely "see" anymore they are so familiar are exactly the ones that deserve our gratitude the most.
What I ask of you now is different from the usual. I want you to take a deep breath and with great courage, look at the parts of yourself that you are the most ashamed of. The parts you cringe at if forced to contemplate.
Hopefully we are on a never ending journey to be better people. To grow and evolve. Learning to let go of fear, jealousy, judgement and hate (towards others and towards our "selves"). To free ourselves up for all the beauty of our potential. This year I want you to stand on that "road" that can seem so long and overwhelming. I want you to turn around and see how far you have come. I want you to be grateful for even one step you have had the courage to make on the road towards evolving in to who you might be. If you think and remember, you may just be surprised at how far you have come. Let yourself be inspired and fortified to endure on your path. That journey, however slow your pace, is the true measure of who you are.

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