Thursday, September 16, 2010

eating clean

Kurt had to go to Sweden and had a hard time finding food to stay on the "yeast free" plan. When he ordered sushi he said he could taste vinegar in the sushi rice. A migraine followed so he is starting to believe that the mold allergy could be a big factor in his migraine syndrome. Did you know that you can order "gluten free" meals on most airlines. You can also pack salads and carry them on the airplane with you. In most cases, the food you bring is a much better option than airline food....
I have been eating a lot of bison burger. There is a gazpacho soup (home made but not by me) that I LOVE and I just cut up the bison or turkey burger and put it in the soup with some added veggies. I do not eat red meat usually but I know that I am a little anemic after some health issues over the summer and I find that my body wants and needs these bison burgers. Normally, I eat only fish and cage free eggs but bison is very lean and I am "diggin it" right now.
Going into week 3 of being essentially sugar free, I am less hungry at night and do not have cravings for junk. Although my brain still asks: "what can I munch on now" while I am watching tv or doing a crossword puzzle at night, I find that nothing sounds good to me and I just brush my teeth and go read. That is a huge change for me.
I am eating a lot of nuts. It seems logical to me that raw nuts (not roasted) are healthier for you since they are in their natural form. Many oils break down when cooked and are better used post heat. (Canola oil is a much better oil to cook with than olive oil for this reason). I love all nuts so I buy them in bulk and grab a handful to munch as dessert. Strangely, if I counted calories (which I do not believe in and have never done) I should be gaining weight but I am not. I feel great. There is no swelling in the morning in my joints or hands/face and my energy is way up. I am also back to my pre-hormone/pregnancy weight.
Being such a sweet toothed person, I find it amazing that after a week or so, it can be so easy to not eat sugar. There is a lot to be said for "avoidance" vs. "moderation" in my opinion.
Story von Holzhausen

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