Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 2 of Story von Holzhausen's 6 week challenge

I just lost a very very long blog all about Dairy,cleanses, vegetarianism and other health issues. I don't have the time (or energy) to re-write it all so I will tackle it another time. I am hoping that everyone is clear about what they are doing and are excited about it. I have been eating a lot of papaya and fruit as my "treats". I have to say, I need less sleep when I avoid sugar and other less healthy choices. I notice an amazing jump in my energy when I am not swollen. So far I have been eating a lot of sushi (getting very little brown rice in rolls that are pretty much just plain fish with avacado) and steamed veggies. I also ate at a chinese place with Kurt and I ordered steamed vegetables with chicken, scallops and shrimp. I had a salad and soy beans in the pod as a starter. I was so full, I ended up just snacking on fruit and yogurt for dinner.
I invite you to experiment with what time of day your biggest meal should be. I believe in being full (not stuffed) once a day. For some people, mini meals in steady intervals works best. I personally like lunch to be my biggest meal. If I wait until dinner, I find I never feel sated the same as if I have a big lunch. I also sleep better (and snore less haha) if I eat a lighter dinner. We all tend to eat very ritualistically so for this challenge, try to break out of habits and have fun with your food. I tend to get really into a certain thing and want to eat it every day. Right now, I am obsessed with Hummus Place Hummus. I like to get 3 eggs in it and I mix in health salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and herbs) into the hummus and eat it with a fork not pita. I am trying to NOT go there every day but to try and experience a variety of tastes (and nutrients) by changing it up. I will be blogging ideas for both cooking at home, packing food to eat later along with how to order in a restaurant and be as healthy as possible. You can really eat anywhere and find good choices. You just need to know how.
I can't wait to hear how we are doing wed. I will be in early to discuss plans and problems and to motivate. Many of you have talked to me about the need for support and contact during this challenge. I would like to try to match up "challenge" buddies or call chains so we can all have some much needed human interaction. The health benefits of talking to someone and connecting are huge. Let's try to replace that for the empty and ultimately sadness inducing "foraging" that we do. I am always reachable for anyone who wants to talk. I am sure Scott and Kathleen would welcome calls too. I know many of you feel you are "bothering" someone when you reach out but you are actually giving them a huge gift by allowing them to have human contact and quality interaction that they desire too. Everybody wins.
I would like to know if anyone is interested in setting up some times to get together and exchange funny stories and ideas during these 6 weeks. These 6 weeks are a huge gift to yourself and to each other. I expect to see huge changes in your "happiness" and attitudes (not to mention your bodies but I believe the former is the most important). Classes are going to be focused and we are going to continue to "find it" and "keep it" during some of our bigger movements. Wed we are lifting heavy. I will be dragging in a 30lb dumbell to use myself. We are doing one legged very focused and controlled cycles. This is a day for weight loading. Heavy and focused.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I felt it today, and I am sure I will tomorrow. Just 2 tips I wanted to share. I know a lot of you are parents and the kids food is hard to resist. They leave bites on their plates, you might be putting the goldfish in a baggie for them and pop one in your mouth...a trick I tell my clients is during those mindless eating times put a mint in your mouth. Chicken nuggests, a bite of pizza or most other food won't taste very good.
    The second thing I wanted to share was something that has been helping me at night. I have been making a shake after dinner. It really fills me. I like the feeling of being full at night but dont like the pattern of endless eating, no matter what it is. My shake is made of:
    2 cups unsweetened almond milk
    1 TBSP cinnamon
    1 TBSP slivered almonds or raw cashews
    1 apple cut up into 1/2 inch or less cubes
    1/2 scoop natural protein powder
    I blend it, let it sit in the fridge for about 20 minutes. The apple and nuts make this amazing rich taste.
