Monday, April 26, 2010

this week for Liquid Strength

I am LOVING how hard everyone is working. This week we only have wed. so we are going to be focusing very hard. What I want from all of you is to give the best QUALITY of work you can give. The harder you can work just TWICE a week, the more we can really change how you feel in your body.
It has been a very interesting month for me with all my hormone funks. I have learned a lot about how to let the attachment to what my body looks like go. The reality is that feeling strong and attached and confident is what it is all about. I see those changes in all of you and it is inspiring.
Being capable and strong and sexy is all about what YOU think of YOU. Nobody else's opinion really matters. That confidence radiates to everyone around you and to you too. It is a happy and positive energy. It is already there inside of you just waiting for you to notice.

Story von Holzhausen

Monday, April 19, 2010


I have noticed with myself and my clients and even my children, that when a person makes a tiny change for the better and feels GOOD about that change, it is easier to keep making them. Sometimes I think that the path to greatness is really just the gentle veer of the path you are already on. So simple and so small that you barely notice the change but over the long haul, it matters. It really matters. That change can be being nice to a total stranger when you really feel grumpy or simply NOT reacting to someone who is a grump to you. Those little choices tell you something about yourself. They tell you that you are powerful. Your actions have echos throughout the days of everyone you chance to meet.
Even more powerful are the effects on YOUR life. When you do something that you know is right or good for you, you are telling yourself that you are important to YOU. You have a sense of "accomplishment" or respect for your own actions. That feeling inspires a chain reaction to make better choices more often. It can lead to really liking the person you are TODAY. It can make it easier to be someone you are happy to be tomorrow.

Friday, April 9, 2010

getting back in the groove of Liquid Strength

The last couple weeks have been intense. In and out of class. I am always amazed at just how much I learn from NOT getting what I want. Being grateful and "in a good place" is only really worth something when you have to find it in yourself. That ability gets stronger every year just like my muscles. THAT makes me grateful.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

liquid strength subbing tomorrow

I am subbing a 45 min class tomorrow (yes, you can do a DOUBLE !!) @ 10:00 on 74th and 2nd

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Did not work....but see you in class tomorrow !!!!

liquid strength into SPRING.....

Hello everyone. I must apologize for the LONG duration between posts. I have been a bit obsessed with my own things (most of you know what I am talking about and let's just say that it is not looking good at this point) lately. I have missed my "connecting" with all of you. Sometimes, when we are a little sad, it is very easy to pull away and "dis" connect with everyone around us. That seems to be the normal reaction. Unfortunately, it is at those times that our connections are the BEST for us and the most important.
I am both looking forward to and dreading tomorrow. I am so swollen from my meds that I feel awful. THIS is when I need to practice what I preach and find my "good". I know that with Liquid Strength, I will be back to my usual warrior self in no time. I just need to give it time. That is so hard isn't it ? We all want it NOW.
The work and level of classes (in SO many ways) is mind blowing right now. I find it vital that my more experienced people are closest to me so that I do not get caught up (like you know I do!) in working with the new students to have "perfect form". They will get it eventually and I want the class to move forward like it has been doing. I just LOVE that I can call out the names of the cycles and everyone knows what they mean !!!!! We have a FULL week this week and I plan on using it wisely and getting the MOST out of class !!!!!!

Story von Holzhausen